Document revision date: 5 July 2000
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Compaq DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
Product Guide

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Chapter 10
10 Enhanced Browser
     10.1     Displaying the Namespace
     10.2     Filtering the Namespace Display
Chapter 11
11 IDL Compiler Enhancements
     11.1     The -standard Build Option
     11.2     Stub Auxiliary Files
     11.3     Compaq Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) Templates on OpenVMS
     11.4     Binding Handle Callout
         11.4.1         Attribute Configuration File
         11.4.2         Generated Header File
         11.4.3         Generated Client Stub
         11.4.4         Binding Callout Routine
                Error Handling
         11.4.5         Predefined Binding Callout Routine
Chapter 12
12 Application Debugging with the RPC Event Logger
     12.1     Introduction to the RPC Event Logging Facility
     12.2     Generating RPC Event Logs
         12.2.1         Enabling Event Logging
                Universal IDL Compiler Interface
                Digital Command Language Interface for the Event Logger
         12.2.2         Using the -trace Option
         12.2.3         Combining Event Logs
         12.2.4         Disabling Event Logging
     12.3     Using Symbols and the Log Manager to Control Logging Information
         12.3.1         Controlling Logged Events with a Symbol
         12.3.2         Controlling Logged Events with the RPC Log Manager
     12.4     Using the -trace Option, Symbols, and the Log Manager Together
     12.5     Using Event Logs to Debug Applications
     12.6     Event Names and Descriptions
Chapter 13
13 Development of Distributed Applications with FORTRAN
     13.1     Interoperability and Portability
     13.2     Remote Procedure Calls Using FORTRAN --- Example
         13.2.1         Where to Obtain the Example Application Files
         13.2.2         The Interface File and Data File (PAYROLL.IDL and PAYROLL.DAT)
         13.2.3         Compiling the Interface with the IDL Compiler
         13.2.4         The Client Application Code for the Interface (PRINT_PAY.FOR)
         13.2.5         The Server Initialization File (SERVER.C)
         13.2.6         The Server Application Code for the Interface (MANAGER.FOR)
         13.2.7         Client and Server Bindings
         13.2.8         Building and Running the Example (PAYROLL.COM)
         13.2.9         Example Output
     13.3     Remote Procedure Calls Using FORTRAN --- Reference
         13.3.1         The FORTRAN Compiler Option
         13.3.2         Restrictions on the Use of FORTRAN
         13.3.3         IDL Constant Declarations
         13.3.4         Type Mapping
         13.3.5         Operations
                Parameter Passing by Reference
                Function Results
         13.3.6         Include Files
         13.3.7         The NBASE.FOR File
         13.3.8         IDL Attributes
                The transmit_as Attribute
                The string Attribute
                The context_handle Attribute
                The Array Attributes on [ref] Pointer Parameters
         13.3.9         ACF Attributes
                The implicit_handle ACF Attribute
                The represent_as ACF Attribute
Chapter 14
14 Troubleshooting
     14.1     General Troubleshooting Steps
     14.2     Time Problems During Configuration
         14.2.1         Time Zone Configuration
         14.2.2         Time Synchronization Problems
         14.2.3         Time OPCOM Messages
     14.3     Client/Server Problems
         14.3.1         OpenVMS Client System
         14.3.2         Server System
     14.4     Configuration and CDS
     14.5     Configuration and Naming
     14.6     Modifications to Compaq TCP/IP Services (UCX)
     14.7     Principal Quota Exhausted
     14.8     Linking RPC Stub Modules into Shareable Images
         14.8.1         Errors Creating a Shareable Image
         14.8.2         Errors Linking Against a Shareable Image
         14.8.3         Errors Activating Shareable Images
     14.9     Integrated Login Problems
         14.9.1         No Logical Name Match Error When Integrated Login Is Enabled
         14.9.2         Potential Integrated Login and SYSGEN Problems
Chapter 15
15 Example Programs
Appendix A
Appendix A Using NSedit
     A.1     Starting NSedit
     A.2     NSedit Functionality
         A.2.1         Tree Browser Window
         A.2.2         Entry Attributes Window
         A.2.3         ACL Window
     A.3     Common Uses of NSedit
         A.3.1         Expanding and Collapsing Tree Nodes
         A.3.2         Creating an Object or a Directory
         A.3.3         Creating and Viewing a Soft Link
         A.3.4         Deleting an Entry
         A.3.5         Viewing Attributes and Values
         A.3.6         Creating a Group and Adding Members
     A.4     NSedit Menus and Dialog Box
         A.4.1         File Menu
         A.4.2         Display Menu
         A.4.3         Edit Menu
         A.4.4         Create Entry Pop-up Dialog

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