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The following example application files are created when you install the Application Developer's Kit:
This appendix provides a listing for the installation of Compaq DCE for
OpenVMS Version 3.0 on OpenVMS Alpha.
B.1 Installing Compaq DCE on OpenVMS Alpha
This installation has the following assumptions:
$ @dka500:[dceaxp030]dce$install help Performing DCE pre-installation tasks...please wait. This installation procedure has detected an existing DCE$SERVER account. Correct operation of DCE on this system requires that the DCE$SERVER account have TMPMBX, NETMBX, DETACH, and SYSPRV privileges. The installation procedure will modify the DCE$SERVER account to ensure that the prerequisite privileges are present. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated The following product has been selected: DEC AXPVMS DCE V3.0 Layered Product [Installed] Do you want to continue? [YES] Configuration phase starting ... You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. DEC AXPVMS DCE V3.0: DCE V3.0 for OpenVMS Alpha Greetings! This is DCE V3.0 for OpenVMS Alpha. There are four components: the DCE Runtime Services, the DCE Application Development Kit, the DCE Security Server, and the DCE CDS Server. 1. The Runtime Services provides the core services necessary to execute and manage DCE applications. 2. The Application Development Kit provides the services and tools required to develop, execute, and manage DCE applications. The Runtime Services capability is automatically provided with the Application Development Kit. 3. The security server supplies support for a cell wide security database. A cell must have at least one system running a security server. 4. The CDS server supplies support for a cell wide naming database. A cell must have at least one system running a CDS server. c Compaq Computer Corporation. 2000. All Rights Reserved" Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Compaq Computer Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Compaq or an authorized sublicensor. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. Compaq Computer Corporation The software product is sold by Compaq Computer Corporation. This product uses the following PAKS: DCE-SECURITY, DCE-CDS, DCE-APP-DEV This product currently has 3 Product Authorization Keys: Producer PAK Name Version Release Date DEC DCE-SECURITY V3.0 01-JUL-2000 DEC DCE-CDS V3.0 01-JUL-2000 DEC DCE-APP-DEV V3.0 01-JUL-2000 Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] n The Application Development Kit is optional and enabled with a PAK. It provides the services and tools required to develop, execute, and manage DCE applications. The Application Development Kit installs: + Required DCE application development header files + Interface Definition Language Compiler (IDL) + Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) Templates for the Interface Definition Language + Unique User Identifier (UUID) Generator + Sample DCE Applications The Application Development Kit [NO] y Do you want to review the options? [NO] y DEC AXPVMS DCE V3.0: DCE V3.0 for OpenVMS Alpha [Installed] The Application Development Kit: YES Are you satisfied with these options? [YES] Execution phase starting ... The following product will be installed to destination: DEC AXPVMS DCE V3.0 DISK$PCL090_SYS:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% The following product has been installed: DEC AXPVMS DCE V3.0 Layered Product *** DCE Product installation successful...beginning post-installation. The rights identifier NET$DECLAREOBJECT will now be granted to the DCE$SERVER account. You may IGNORE the message: "%UAF-E-GRANTERR, unable to grant identifier NET$DECLAREOBJECT to DCE$SERVER -SYSTEM-F-DUPIDENT, duplicate identifier" if it should occur. Press return to Continue %UAF-E-GRANTERR, unable to grant identifier NET$DECLAREOBJECT to DCE$SERVER -SYSTEM-F-DUPIDENT, duplicate identifier Load the Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) templates for IDL? [Y]: n NOTE: Please add the following to your system's SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM. These files define foreign commands for using DCE on OpenVMS. $ @SYS$MANAGER:DCE$DEFINE_REQUIRED_COMMANDS.COM $ @SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]DCE$DEFINE_OPTIONAL_COMMANDS.COM Please add the following command to SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_*.COM on your system. This ensures that DCE$STARTUP.COM is executed at system boot. The parameters supplied to DCE$STARTUP.COM depend on the specific TCP/IP product you intend to use. You will now be asked to select the name of this TCP/IP product, and the installation will supply you with the correct command for SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_*.COM. TCP/IP product Keyword Compaq's TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS TCPIP Multinet from TGV MULTINET Pathway from Wollongong PATHWAY TCPware from Process Software TCPWARE No TCP/IP Available at this time NONE Enter one of the keywords from the table above [TCPIP]: Enter $ @SYS$STARTUP:DCE$STARTUP in your SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_*.COM %DCE-S-INSTALL, Installation of OpenVMS DCE V3.0 completed |
The following sections contain sample logs of DCE configurations.
C.1 Initial Client Configuration
@SYS$MANAGER:DCE$SETUP CONFIG *** System Management Procedure, DCE for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 *** **************************** INFO ***************************** *** DCE is configured to support 70 DCE Processes %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY images examined: 1, dependent images: 0 DCE Configuration Menu DCE for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 1) Client Configure this system as a DCE client 2) New Cell Create a new DCE cell 3) CDS Server Add Master CDS Server 4) Modify Modify DCE cell configuration 5) RPC_Only Configure this system for RPC only 0) Exit Exit this procedure ?) Help Display helpful information Please enter your selection: 1 Starting DCE client configuration . . . At each prompt, enter your response. You may enter <RETURN> for the default response, displayed in [brackets], or '?' for help. Entering a CONTROL-Z will terminate this configuration request. Press <RETURN> to continue . . . Removing temporary local DCE databases and configuration files Removing permanent local DCE databases and configuration files Starting client configuration Initializing RPC & Security Client Services daemon (DCE$DCED) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2380A9A6 Starting RPC & Security Client Services daemon (DCE$DCED) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 238110A8 Would you like to search the LAN for known DCE cells (YES/NO/?) [Y]? n Please enter your DCE hostname [ylekot]: Please enter the name for your DCE cell []: opnmnd-cell Is the CDS Master Server within broadcast range (YES/NO/?) [N]? Please enter the hostname for the CDS Master Server []: opnmnd Checking TCP/IP local host database for address of "opnmnd". Please wait . . . Checking BIND servers for address of "opnmnd". Please wait . . . Terminating RPC Services/DCE Security Client daemon (DCE$DCED) . . . *** RPC (DCED) shutdown successful *** Starting RPC & Security Client Services daemon (DCE$DCED) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2381282C Starting CDS Name Service Advertiser daemon (DCE$CDSADVER) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2380B22D Starting CDS Name Service Client daemon (DCE$CDSCLERK) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 23811BAE Could not find security master using dcecp registry show Attempting to locate security server Found security server Creating dce$local:[]pe_site.; file Checking local system time Looking for DTS servers in the LAN profile Looking for Global DTS servers in this cell Found DTS server The local system time is: Tue Oct 5 17:16:18 1999 Is this time correct? (y/n): y Do you need the Distributed Time Service? (YES/NO/?) [Y]? Do you intend to run MIT Kerberos 5 services on this machine? (YES/NO/?) [N]? Do you want to configure this host as an LDAP client? (YES/NO/?) [N]? Terminating CDS Name Service Advertiser daemon (DCE$CDSADVER) . . . Terminating CDS Name Service Client daemon (DCE$CDSCLERK) . . . Please enter the principal name to be used [cell_admin]: Please enter the password for principal "cell_admin" (or ? for help): Logging in to DCE using principal "cell_admin" . . . Logging in to DCE using principal "cell_admin" . . . Configuring security client Creating Dce$Specific:[Krb5]Krb.conf The following principal(s) already exist under /hosts/ylekot/: /.../opnmnd-cell/hosts/ylekot/self Do you wish to delete these principals? (YES/NO/?) [Y]? Deleting client principals Creating ktab entry for client Terminating RPC & Security Client Services daemon (DCE$DCED) . . . Starting RPC & Security Client Services daemon (DCE$DCED) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 238185B0 Starting sec_client service (please wait). This machine is now a security client. Press <RETURN> to continue . . . Configuring CDS client Creating the cds.conf file Starting CDS Name Service Advertiser daemon (DCE$CDSADVER) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 238160B1 Starting CDS Name Service Client daemon (DCE$CDSCLERK) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2381C334 Testing access to CDS server (please wait) . Logging in to DCE using principal "cell_admin" . . . Checking TCP/IP local host database for address of "ylekot". Please wait . . . Configuring client host objects in the cell namespace . . . Creating /.:/hosts/ylekot objects in name space Checking TCP/IP local host database for address of "ylekot". Please wait . . . Please enter the name of your LAN [16.32.16]: This machine is now a CDS client. Stopping sec_client service... Starting sec_client service (please wait). Modifying acls on /.:/hosts/ylekot/config secval xattrschema srvrexec keytab keytab/self hostdata hostdata dce_cf.db hostdata cell_name hostdata pe_site hostdata cds_attributes hostdata cds_globalnames hostdata host_name hostdata cell_aliases hostdata post_processors hostdata svc_routing hostdata krb.conf hostdata dfs-cache-info hostdata cds.conf hostdata passwd_override hostdata group_override srvrconf Logging in to DCE using principal "cell_admin" . . . Configuring DTS daemon as client (DCE$DTSD) Starting DTS daemon (DCE$DTSD)... Starting Distributed Time Service daemon (DCE$DTSD) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2380F6BA This machine is now a DTS clerk. Do you want to run the DCE Configuration Verification Program? (YES/NO/?) [Y]? Y Test requires that a DCE_LOGIN be performed Logging in to DCE using principal "cell_admin" . . . Executing DCE for OpenVMS VAX V3.0 CVP (please wait) Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation. 1999. All Rights Reserved. . . . . . . . . . . DCE for OpenVMS VAX V3.0 CVP was successful. Press <RETURN> to continue . . . DCE Configuration Menu DCE for OpenVMS VAX V3.0 1) Client Configure this system as a DCE client 2) New Cell Create a new DCE cell 3) CDS Server Add Master CDS Server 4) Modify Modify DCE cell configuration 5) RPC_Only Configure this system for RPC only 0) Exit Exit this procedure ?) Help Display helpful information Please enter your selection: 0 *** DCE System Management Procedure Complete *** |
@SYS$MANAGER:DCE$SETUP CONFIG *** System Management Procedure, DCE for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 *** **************************** INFO ***************************** *** DCE is configured to support 70 DCE Processes DCE Configuration Menu DCE for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 1) Client Configure this system as a DCE client 2) New Cell Create a new DCE cell 3) CDS Server Add Master CDS Server 4) Modify Modify DCE cell configuration 5) RPC_Only Configure this system for RPC only 0) Exit Exit this procedure ?) Help Display helpful information Please enter your selection: 2 At each prompt, enter your response. You may enter <RETURN> for the default response, displayed in [brackets], or '?' for help. Entering a CONTROL-Z will terminate this configuration request. Press <RETURN> to continue . . . Starting DCE server configuration . . . Please enter your DCE hostname [opnvms]: Please enter the name for your DCE cell []: opnvms-cell Do you wish to configure opnvms as a CDS server? (YES/NO/?) [Y]? Will there be any DCE pre-R1.1 CDS servers in this cell? (YES/NO/?) [N]? ************************************************************************** * If the system clocks on the machines running the security * * and CDS servers differ more than one or two minutes from * * other systems in the cell, configuration anomalies can occur. * * Since this system's time will be used as a reference, please * * make sure that the system time is correct. * ************************************************************************** System time for opnvms: 7-OCT-1999 16:45:30.09 Is this correct? (YES/NO/?) [Y]? Do you need the Distributed Time Service? (YES/NO/?) [Y]? Do you want this system to be a DTS Server? (YES/NO/?) [Y]? Do you want this system to be a DTS Global Server? (YES/NO/?) [N]? y Does this cell use multiple LANs? (YES/NO/?) [N]? Do you intend to run MIT Kerberos 5 services on this machine? (YES/NO/?) [N]? Do you want to configure the LDAP name service? (YES/NO/?) [N]? Since you have chosen not to create the LDAP name space, you can not configure this machine as an LDAP client. You can create the LDAP name space and add this machine as a client after the cell is configured. Do you want to configure gdad to use LDAP? (YES/NO/?) [N]? You have made the following selections: DCE Cellname: opnvms-cell DCE Hostname: opnvms Multi-LAN Cell? No Use opnvms as a CDS Server? Yes Use opnvms as the Security Server? Yes Use opnvms as a DTS Global Server? Yes Enable Kerberos 5 services? No Enable LDAP GDA? No Configure opnvms as an LDAP Client? No Do you want to save this as your DCE system configuration? (YES/NO/?) [Y]? Removing temporary local DCE databases and configuration files Removing permanent local DCE databases and configuration files ************************************************************************ * Starting the security server requires that you supply * * a 'keyseed.' When asked for a 'keyseed,' type some * * random, alphanumeric keystrokes, followed by RETURN. * * (You won't be required to remember what you type.) * ************************************************************************ Enter keyseed for initial database master key: Configuring security server (DCE$SECD) Please type new password for cell_admin (or '?' for help): Type again to confirm: Creating Dce$Specific:[Krb5]Krb.conf Initializing RPC & Security Client Services daemon (DCE$DCED) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2B60164E Starting RPC & Security Client Services daemon (DCE$DCED) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2B601950 Creating security master Starting Security Service Server daemon (DCE$SECD) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2B601951 Starting sec_client service (please wait). Logging in to DCE using principal "cell_admin" . . . Adding principals to the registry database Creating group /.:/subsys/dce/dced-admin... Configuring CDS server (DCE$CDSD) Adding CDS registry entries Creating the cds.conf file Starting CDS Name Service Advertiser daemon (DCE$CDSADVER) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2B601952 Starting CDS Name Service Client daemon (DCE$CDSCLERK) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2B601953 Starting CDS Name Service Server daemon (DCE$CDSD) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2B601954 Please enter Domain and Bind Server address. (e.g., w.x.y.z) Domain name []: Domain Name Server address []: Starting Global Directory Agent daemon (DCE$GDAD) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2B601955 Starting PC Name Service Interface daemon (DCE$NSID) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2B601956 Testing access to CDS server (please wait) . Logging in to DCE using principal "cell_admin" . . . Initializing the namespace Modifying acls on /.: ... Checking TCP/IP local host database for address of "opnvms". Please wait . . . Modifying acls on /.:/subsys/dce/sec ... Modifying acls on /.:/cell-profile Modifying acls on /.:/lan-profile Modifying acls on /.:/opnvms_ch Modifying acls on /.:/subsys/dce/dfs Modifying acls on /.:/subsys/dce/dfs/bak Modifying acls on /.:/hosts Modifying acls on /.:/hosts/opnvms Modifying acls on /.:/sec Modifying acls on /.:/sec-v1 Modifying acls on /.:/hosts/opnvms/self Modifying acls on /.:/hosts/opnvms/cds-clerk Modifying acls on /.:/hosts/opnvms/cds-server Modifying acls on /.:/hosts/opnvms/cds-gda Modifying acls on /.:/hosts/opnvms/profile Modifying acls on /.:/fs Modifying acls on: principal principal/krbtgt principal/krbtgt/opnvms-cell principal/hosts principal/hosts/opnvms principal/hosts/opnvms/self principal/hosts/opnvms/cds-server principal/hosts/opnvms/gda group group/acct-admin group/subsys group/subsys/dce group/subsys/dce/sec-admin group/subsys/dce/dts-admin group/subsys/dce/dts-servers group/subsys/dce/dfs-admin group/subsys/dce/dfs-fs-servers group/subsys/dce/dfs-bak-servers group/subsys/dce/cds-admin group/subsys/dce/cds-server org policy principal/nobody principal/root principal/daemon principal/sys principal/bin principal/uucp principal/who principal/mail principal/tcb principal/dce-ptgt principal/dce-rgy group/none group/system group/daemon group/uucp group/bin group/kmem group/mail group/tty group/tcb org/none replist subsys/dce/sec sec Modifying acls on /.:/subsys/DEC/pc Stopping sec_client service... Starting sec_client service (please wait). Modifying acls on /.:/hosts/opnvms/config secval xattrschema srvrexec keytab keytab/self hostdata hostdata dce_cf.db hostdata cell_name hostdata pe_site hostdata cds_attributes hostdata cds_globalnames hostdata host_name hostdata cell_aliases hostdata post_processors hostdata svc_routing hostdata krb.conf hostdata dfs-cache-info hostdata cds.conf hostdata passwd_override hostdata group_override srvrconf Logging in to DCE using principal "cell_admin" . . . Configuring DTS daemon as server (DCE$DTSD) Stopping sec_client service... Starting sec_client service (please wait). Logging in to DCE using principal "cell_admin" . . . Starting DTS daemon (DCE$DTSD)... Starting Distributed Time Service daemon (DCE$DTSD) . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2B601958 Do you want to run the DCE Configuration Verification Program? (YES/NO/?) [Y]? Test requires that a DCE_LOGIN be performed Logging in to DCE using principal "cell_admin" . . . Executing DCE for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 CVP (please wait) Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation. 1999. All Rights Reserved. . . . . . . . . . . DCE for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 CVP was successful. Press <RETURN> to continue . . . DCE Configuration Menu DCE for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 1) Client Configure this system as a DCE client 2) New Cell Create a new DCE cell 3) CDS Server Add Master CDS Server 4) Modify Modify DCE cell configuration 5) RPC_Only Configure this system for RPC only 0) Exit Exit this procedure ?) Help Display helpful information Please enter your selection: 0 *** DCE System Management Procedure Complete *** |
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