Overview - Managing DCE Hosts
Larger DCE cells can contain many host computers, with some running both DCE servers and application servers while others act only as client systems. Still other hosts might run
application servers but also act as clients to their resident users. Such flexibility in DCE host configurations can make it difficult to control or track what's running or available on each host in
a cell. The host task object represents DCE and application processes associated with hosts, letting administrators more easily manage DCE server and application processes on machines.
You can use the host task object to show information about processes on local and remote hosts in a cell, and start and stop DCE processes on hosts throughout a cell. You can also configure
local DCE hosts in a cell and remove (unconfigure) remote DCE hosts from a cell. Online help for this object is available using the host help and host operations commands in
All of the host object operations performed on a remote host except host catalog require dced to be running on the remote host.