
Removing a DCE Host from a Cell
Occasionally, you might want to remove a DCE host from a cell. For instance, your organization is replacing some older systems that are being sold to another organization.
Removing or unconfiguring a DCE host is more than just erasing DCE information from the host's disk because CDS and the DCE Security Service both maintain host-specific information that needs to be
removed as well. The host unconfigure operation deletes all objects, directories, and links from the /.:/hosts/hostname CDS directory including the directory itself. It
also deletes all principal names beginning with hosts/hostname/ which, in turn, removes all accounts with the same name. Finally, it removes all local
configuration files and stops all running DCE processes ending with the DCE daemon (dced).
The host unconfigure operation operates only on remote hosts. You cannot perform this operation on a local host because it removes the DCE Security Service registry information needed to
complete the operation. Also note that you need cell administrator privileges to perform a host unconfigure operation.
To remove a remote DCE host from a cell, use a host unconfigure operation providing the hostname of the host to be unconfigured. The following example removes host calypso from the
dcecp> host unconfigure /.:/hosts/calypso
If you have cell administrator privileges in a foreign cell, you can remove a remote DCE host from that cell by supplying a global DCE name of the host to be unconfigured. The following example
removes hosts gobo from foreign cell /
dcecp> host unconfigure /.:/their_cell.goodco.com/hosts/gobo