Synchronizing CDS Server Clocks
After performing a skulk operation on a directory, you may receive the message
Server clocks are not synchronized
indicating that the server clocks are not synchronized. If so, you should first check to see whether the system clocks on the server systems are indeed synchronized. If they are and you still
receive the message, then perhaps the system clock on an individual server was mistakenly set to a future time and subsequently restored. This causes a problem for CDS because there may be
timestamps stored in a clearinghouse that are invalid (any timestamp greater than five minutes in the future from the current time).
If this is the case, you should adjust the system clock to the current time and then enter the following command:
dcecp> clearinghouse repair <clearinghouse-name timestamps
This command will disable the clearinghouse, analyze and repair bad timestamps, checkpoint the clearinghouse to disk, and re-enable the clearinghouse. To use the command, you need write permission
to the server on which the clearinghouse resides. Also, you should execute this command on7 all clearinghouses that replicate the directory (and its objects) that needs to be repaired.
After executing the clearinghouse repair command, you should be able to skulk the directory successfully.