![]() Defining a Cell in the Global Directory ServiceIn GDS, cell information is contained in two attributes: CDS-Cell and CDS-Replica. You can cause an existing GDS name to become a cell entry by adding these two attributes to the name. If the name you want to use for the cell does not yet exist, you must create it and then add the attributes. The GDS administration program uses numbered screens called masks to accept user input. Use the object administration masks to create a cell entry. (See the OSF DCE DFS Administration Guide and Reference for details.) After you configure a cell, you can use the dcecp directory show command to obtain the data that you need to supply when you are creating the CDS-Cell and CDS-Replica attributes. The following is an example directory show command and the resulting GDS-formatted output for a cell that is named /.../C=US/O=ABC/OU=Sales: dcecp> directory show /.../C=US/O=ABC/OU=Sales {RPC_ClassVersion {01 00}} {CDS_CTS 1996-04-18-20:11:02.385764100/08-00-09-85-01-22} {CDS_UTS 1996-08-01-18:01:37.408282100/08-00-09-85-01-22} {CDS_ObjectUUID 68f0755c-9956-11cf-9da3-080009850122} {CDS_Replicas {{CH UUID 59eb61fc-11cf-9da3-080009850122} {CH Name /.../c=us/o=abc/ou=sales/dcegecko_ch} {Replica_Type Master} {Tower ncadg_ip_udp:}} {Tower ncacn_ip_tcp:}}} {CDS_AllUpTo 1996-08-01-18:01:37.408282100/08-00-09-85-01-22} {CDS_Convergence medium} {CDS_ParentPointer} {{Parent_UUID 5a824f54-9956-11cf-9da3-080009850122} {Timeout {expiration 1996-08-02-14:01:36.251} {extension +1-00:00:00/000I0.000}} {myname / /c=us/o=abc/subsys}}} {CDS_DirectoryVersion 3.0} {CDS_ReplicaState on {CDS_ReplicaType Master {CDS_LastSkulk 1996-08-01-14:39:36.404042100/08-00-09-85-01-22} {CDS_LastUpdate 1996-08-01-18:01:37.408282100/08-00-09-85-01-22} {CDS_Epoch 68fdf042-9956-11cf-9da3-080009850122} {CDS_ReplicaVersion 3.0} dcecp> To create a new resource record in GDS, use the information from the directory show command to fill in the fields of Mask 21 (CDS-Cell) and Mask 22 (CDS-Replica) in the GDS administration program.