Starting the dce_config Script
To start the dce_config script, perform the following steps:
1. Login as root to the machine on which you are installing or configuring DCE. You cannot install or configure machines remotely.
2. If necessary, copy the /etc directory from the distribution media by performing the following steps:
a. Use the cd command to move to the /opt/dce directory. cd /opt/dce
b. Use the tar command to copy the dce1.1/etc directory from the tape. tar -xvf media device dce1.1/etc
Invoke dce_config by typing: dce_config -I
and pressing <Return>.
The -i option tells dce_config to look in the current directory (which should be /opt/dce1.1/etc) for the component scripts it needs to run. After you have invoked
dce_config once with the -i option, you do not need to use the option again.
Note: On machines running OSF/1 Release 1.1.1 only, you must invoke dce_config as an argument to ksh for the return function to work correctly. To do this,
type ksh dce_config and press <Return>. This is not necessary for OSF/1 Release 1.2.
4. The dce_config script displays the DCE Main Menu, which lists all the functions you can perform with dce_config.
DCE Main Menu ( on host_name ) 1. INSTALL -install dce software 2. CONFIGURE -configure and start DCE daemons 3. START
-re-start DCE daemons 4. STOP -stop DCE daemons 5. UNCONFIGURE -remove a host from CDS and SEC databases 6. REMOVE -stop DCE daemons and remove
data files created by DCE daemons 99. EXIT selection:
To choose a function from the DCE Main Menu and from any of the dce_config menus, type its associated number at the selection: prompt and press <Return>.
All dce_config menus display the name of the node on which you are running dce_config. In the sample menus shown in this guide, the actual node name is represented by