Installing the DFS Servers
To install the DFS Servers, perform the following steps:
1. At the DCE Installation Menu, type 5 and press <Return>.
The dce_config script displays the DFS Server Installation menu:
Four types of DFS Server installations are valid. 1. System Control Machine 2. Private File Server 3. File Server 4. Fileset
Location Database Server selection:
2. Select the type of server you want to install by typing its associated selection number, and pressing <Return>.
The steps to perform the installation and the prompts you must answer for each type of DFS server are the same. The following steps show the installation of a File Server Machine.
After you select a server installation from the DFS Server Installation menu, the dce_config script proceeds to install the server. Then, dce_config prompts for whether to
install the optional DFS servers:
Optional DFS servers are: cm fms udebug scout upclient upserver Would you like to install the optional DFS servers? (y):
3. Type y to install the optional servers or n to not install them and press <Return>.
Note that when you install a DFS server, dce_config automatically installs the DCE client binaries.
The dce_config script then prompts for whether to install additional optional command client binaries on the machine. Generally it is useful to install these administrative commands,
particularly the cm command that is used to manage the client cache manager.
Would you like to install: cm bos fts bak, (all are optional) on this machine (y)?
4. Type y to install the optional binaries or n to not install them and press <Return>.
When dce_config completes the DFS installation, it returns the DCE Installation Menu.