Configuring the Initial CDS Server
The initial CDS server must in place for cell operation and before any of the cell's client machines are configured. Other additional CDS servers can configured on client machines.
To configure the Initial CDS server:
1. At the Initial Cell Configuration menu, type 2 and press <Return>.
The dce_config script displays the following messages:
S:****** Configuring initial CDS Server... S:****** Checking for active sec_client service...
Then, the dce_config script prompts:
Create LAN profile so clients and servers can be divided into profile groups for higher performance in a multi-LAN cell? (n)
2. At this point you have two choices:
a. Type y to configure the machine with multiple local area network (LAN) capabilities and press <Return>. You may want to use multiple LANs to organize how applications find
objects in the namespace. When you respond y, the dce_config script creates a LAN profile that allows the DTS clerks to synchronize with DTS servers on the local LAN.
The dce_config script prompts for the name of the LAN:
What is the name of the LAN?
Type the name and press <Return>. You can enter any arbitrary name. The name is used by dce_config to store cell profile information.
b. Type n to not configure the machine with multiple LAN capabilities and press <Return>.
The dce_config script completes the installation, starts the cdsadv and cdsd servers, creates the LAN profile (if necessary), and sets the appropriate ACLs. It displays
the actions it takes as it takes them.
When the configuration is complete, dce_config returns the DCE Initial Cell Configuration Menu.