Handling Configuration Error
If you receive either of these messages, the clearinghouse is in an intermediate state and cannot be used or deleted, although the rest of the cell namespace and other servers are
unaffected. To recover:
1. Skulk the root directory
2. Use the create clearinghouse /.:/clearinghouse_name command while you are logged in as the initial privileged user on the newly configured CDS server machine. This command
manually completes the configuration of the new server and its clearinghouse.
3. Finally, skulk the root directory again.
In rare circumstances, you may see the following error, which you can ignore.
ERROR: cdscp error during "define cached server" command. Message from cdscp: Failure in routine: cp_define_cached_server; code = 282111142
Cached Server clearinghouse already exists (dce / cds)
The error results from dce_config trying to repeat an operation it has already performed.