
Adding Intermediate Code Sets

By default, the DCE RPC features that support internationalized RPC applications use the Universal code set ISO 10646 as the default intermediate code set (see the OSF DCE Application Development Guide - Core Components for an explanation of intermediate code sets and how they are used in internationalized RPC applications).

You can override this default by using the -m option to csrc, which adds a maximum of five intermediate code set names to the code set registry file's intermediate code set priority list. Specify the local code set name for the intermediate code set (not its code set identifier).

The order in which you specify intermediate code sets determines their order of precedence in the list; that is, the first intermediate code set you specify on the command line with -m becomes the first intermediate code set in the priority list, and thus will be the first code set used should an intermediate code set be required for internationalized RPC client-server communication.