
Conventional UNIX Directories

The figure below shows the directories that DCE uses in the standard UNIX tree.

Standard UNIX Directories Tree

DCE uses the following standard UNIX directories.

· /etc/zoneinfo
This directory contains copies of the templates, which are modified, if necessary, from the dceshared/etc/zoneinfo directory.
Note: Preexisting files can be modified on the local system. Be careful not to overwrite them during the installation procedure.

· /krb5
This directory contains Kerberos configuration files for the conventional krb5 environment. Symbolic links exist to appropriate files in dcelocal/etc. This directory has write permission for the local system administrator only.

· /usr/bin
This directory contains utilities for application programmers and DCE users. Most of these are symbolic links that point to dceshared/bin. Some utilities, such as login and su, can actually be local copies that are needed for performance and high availability. On server machines, copies of the respective executables are sometimes necessary for the initialization of the system.

· /usr/include/dce
This directory contains DCE header files. This directory is a symbolic link to dceshared/share/include/dce.

· /usr/lib
This directory contains libdce.a, which is a symbolic link to dceshared/lib/libdce.a.