Overview - The DCE Cell Namespace
This topic describes the names that CDS and the DCE Security Service use within the DCE cell namespace. These namespace entries are created during initial DCE configuration.
In the following tables, the CDS Class entry is either used internally by the CDS_Clearinghouse entry and the RPC NSI. The Well Known entry specifies whether the last
component of a name is an architecturally required name. The Default ACLs entry specifies the ACLs created by running the DCE configuration script.
The hostname, lclhostname, cellname, and creator entries are defined as follows:
· hostname This is a cell-relative host name. For example, the hostname for a host named machine1.abc.com is machine1. Note
that for cells with subdomains, a directory structure is possible. For example, the host apollo.mercury.acs.cmu.edu can have a hostname of acs/mercury/apollo.
· lclhostname This is the single component host name. This name is always the least significant component of the hostname. The lclhostname for
the examples given previously are machine1 and apollo.
· cellname This is the global name of the cell, without the special character string /.../; for example, seattle.abc.com or
· creator This is the name of the principal that created the cell.