
The Basic Directory Contents Package

The basic directory contents package contains the object identifier definition of directory classes and attribute types as defined by the X.500 standard. These definitions allow the creation of and maintenance of directory entries for a number of common objects so that the representation of all such objects is the same throughout the directory. Also included are the definitions of the OM classes and OM attributes required to support the directory attribute types. Basic Directory Contents Package describes the basic directory contents package in detail.

The object identifier associated with the basic directory contents package is shown in the following code fragment from the xdsbdcp.h header file:

/* BDC package object identifier */

/* { iso(1) identifier-organization(3) icd-ecma(12)

* member-company (2)

* dec(1011) xopen(28) bdcp(1) } */

#define OMP_DS_BASIC_DIR_CONTENTS_PKG "\x2B\x0C\x02\x87\x73\x1C\x01"