
Object Types

An OM attribute with syntax template Object(*) has OM_S_OBJECT as syntax and a subobject as a value. For example, one of the OM attributes of the OM class DS_C_DS_DN is DS_RDNS. DS_RDNS is listed in the OM attribute table for DS_C_DS_DN as having a value syntax of Object(DS_C_DS_RDN), as shown in the following table.

Description of an OM Attribute By Using Syntax Object(*)

OM Attributes of a DS_C_DS_DN

OM Attribute

Value Syntax
Value Length Value Number Value Initially
DS_RDNS Object(DS_C_DS_RDN) - 0 or more -
The C language representation of the syntax of the OM attribute type DS_RDNS is OM_S_OBJECT, as shown in following code fragment from example.h:

OM_descriptor name[] = {


{ DS_RDNS, OM_S_OBJECT, { 0, rdn1 } },

{ DS_RDNS, OM_S_OBJECT, { 0, rdn2 } },

{ DS_RDNS, OM_S_OBJECT, { 0, rdn3 } },

{ DS_RDNS, OM_S_OBJECT, { 0, rdn4 } },

