The XDS API defines an application programming interface to directory services in the X/Open Common Applications Environment as defined in the X/Open Portability Guide. This interface is based on the 1988 CCITT X.500 Series of Recommendations and the ISO 9594 Standard. This joint standard is referred to from this point on simply as X.500.
This topic describes the purpose and function of XDS API functions in a general way. Refer to the reference pages in the OSF DCE Application Development Reference for complete and detailed information on specific function calls.
The topics that follow describe the following types of XDS functions:
· XDS interface management functions
These functions interact with the XDS interface
· Directory connection management functions
These functions initiate, manage, and terminate connections with the directory
· Directory operation functions
These functions perform operations on a directory
Note: The DCE XDS API does not support asynchronous operations from within the same thread. If an application requires asynchronous XDS operations, then it should use multiple threads to achieve this functionality. Please refer to Using Threads With The XDS/XOM API for information on using the XDS/XOM API in a multithreaded application.
The ds_abandon( ) function is not supported in this release. A ds_abandon( ) call returns a DS_C_ABANDON_FAILED (DS_E_TOO_LATE) error. Refer to XDS Interface Description for information on abandoning directory operations.
The following names refer to the complete XDS example programs, which can be found in Sample Application Programs:
· acl.c (acl.h)
· example.c (example.h)
· teldir.c