The local variables bound_session, result, and invoke_id are defined in the following sample code fragment:
OM_private_object bound_session; /* Holds the Session object */
/* which is returned by */
/* ds_bind(). */
OM_private_object result; /* Holds the list result */
/* object. */
OM_sint invoke_id; /* Integer for the invoke id */
/* returned by ds_search(). */
/* This parameter must be */
/* present even though it is */
/* ignored. */
These data types are defined in typedef statements in the xom.h header file. The bound_session and result variables are defined as data type OM_private_object because they are returned by ds_bind( ) and ds_list( ) operations to the workspace as private objects. Since asynchronous operations (within the same thread) are not supported, the invoke_id parameter functionality is redundant. The invoke_id parameter must be supplied to the XDS functions as described in your platform documentation, but its return value should be ignored.