
Strings Representing Structured GDS Attribute Information

Strings that represent structured GDS attribute information are used to associate the structured attribute and its components with their values. They are of the form:

structured_attribute_type = {Comp1 = Value, Comp2 = Value, ..}

The structured attribute type can either be specified as abbreviations or object identifier strings. An object identifier string is defined as a series of digits separated by dots. If attribute abbreviations are used, they are case insensitive. Comp1, Comp2, and so on are the components of the structured attribute. They should be specified as abbreviations, as in the following example:

TXN={TN=977999, CC=345, AB=8444}

Recurring values for structured attributes can be specified with the help of the semicolon. An example follows:

TXN={TN=977999, CC=345, AB=8444};{TN=123444,CC=345, AB=8444}

Recurring values for the components should be specified as follows:

TXN={TN=977999; 274424, CC=345, AB=8444}

If any of the components are further structured, they should be enclosed within braces as follows:

FTN={PA={FR=1,TD=1}, PN=67899}

All leading and trailing white space (surrounding the structured attribute type, the component abbreviation, the equal sign, the { (left brace), the , (comma), and the } (right brace)) is ignored.

Attributes and components with DN syntax should be specified as follows:

ACL={MPUB={INT=0, USR={/c=de/o=sni/cn=mueller, sn=schmid}}}

In the case of attributes with OM_S_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER syntax, the attribute value can also be specified as an abbreviation string, as shown in the following:

SG={OCL=REP} SG={OCL='\x55\x06\x0A'}

Attributes of type presentation address (OM Class DS_C_PRESENTATION_ADDRESS) are handled specially, using the PSAP macro utility. The value for such an attribute can be specified as follows:

PSA={TS=Server, NA='TCP/IP!internet='}

The local_string parameter should be set to OM_TRUE in the convenience function being used. Here, the network address (NA) is specified with a special syntax. Refer to OSF DCE GDS Administration Guide and Reference for further information.

The following are the reserved characters for strings with structured attribute information:

' Used to enclose the attribute values. If this character is used, all other reserved characters within the quoted string except the backslash are not interpreted. For example, cn='henry mueller'

/ Specifies an attribute value with DN Syntax. For example, AON = {/c=de/o=sni/ou=ap22/cn=mayer}

{ Indicates the start of a structured attribute value block.

} Indicates the end of a structured attribute value block.

, Separates the components of a structured attribute. For example, TN=977999, CC=345, AB=8444

It can also be used to specify multiple AVAs in the case of attributes with DN syntax.

; Separates multiple values of a recurring attribute or the recurring components of the structured attribute. All leading and trailing white space (surrounding the attribute type, the equal sign, the left and right braces, the component abbreviation, the component value and the semicolon) is ignored. The following is an example:


= Associates the components with their value, and associates the components to the structured attribute.

\xnn Used to specify hexadecimal data. The two characters nn are read as the hexadecimal value.

\ Used to escape any of the other reserved characters.