The following subtopics describe the organization of a cell's namespace after it has initially been configured. (For more information on configuring a cell, see the OSF DCE Administration Guide.)
Every DCE cell is set up at configuration with the basic namespace structure necessary for the other DCE components to be able to find each other and to be accessible to applications. The vital parts of the namespace are protected from being accessed by unauthorized entities by ACLs that are attached to the entries and directories.
The following figure shows what the cell namespace looks like after a cell has been configured and before any additional directories or entries have been added to it by system administrators or applications. In the figure, ovals represent directories, rectangles represent simple entries, circles represent soft links, and triangles represent namespace junctions.
All of the simple entries shown in the figure are created for use with RPC NSI routines; that is, they all contain server-binding information and exist to enable clients to find servers. These are referred to as RPC entries.
Note that only the name entries (those in boxes) and junction entries (those in triangles) are RPC entries. The directories (entries indicated by ovals) are normal CDS directories.
Some of the namespace entries in the figure are intended to be used (if desired) directly by applications; namely, /.:/cell-profile, /.:/lan-profile, and, through the /: soft link alias, /.:/fs. The self and profile name entries under hosts also fall into this category. Others, such as those under /.:/subsys/dce, are for the internal use of the DCE components themselves.
Each of the entries is explained in detail in the following subtopics. See the OSF DCE Administration Guide for detailed information on the contents of the initial DCE cell namespace.
The Cell Namespace After Configuration
The DFS and DCE Security Service Junctions