clock compare
Returns the difference between the clocks on the local machine and a DTS server in the cell. The syntax is:
clock compare [dts_entity] [-server dts-entity]
-server dts_entity Optionally names a specific DTS server against which to compare the host clock.
See Arguments for the format of the dts_entity argument.
Description The clock compare operation returns the difference between the clocks on the local machine and a DTS server in the cell. If a server is not specified, the
command picks the last responding server returned by dts catalog. An optional argument compares a remote host's clock against a DTS server. An optional -server option
compares the clock against a specific DTS server.
The DTS server that responds to this operation may be communicating directly with an external time provider. If so, the provider attribute returned by this operation will be set to
Privileges Required You must have r (read) permission on /.:/hosts/hostname/dts-entity to execute the command.
dcecp> clock compare {server /.:/gumby/hosts/oddball/dts_entity} {provider no} {skew -0-00:00:020I-----} dcecp>
dcecp> clock compare -server /.:/hosts/santafe/dts-entity {server /.:/hosts/santafe/dts_entity} {provider yes} {skew
-0-00:00:0292I1.431} dcecp>