Miscellaneous Commands
The DCE control program includes a set of commands you can use for performing miscellaneous operations.
dcecp_initInterp Initializes a base Tcl interpreter with all the dcecp commands.
echo Displays the supplied string as output.
errtext Takes a DCE status code as an argument and returns the text of the associated message as found in the message catalogs. The argument can be in decimal, octal (leading
0), or hexadecimal (leading 0x) notation.
login Creates a new login context to be used for the rest of the dcecp session. Sets convenience variables _c and _u to the cell name and principal
name of the principal that issued the login command. Convenience variables are discussed in a separate topic of this reference page. Login contexts are stacked. Takes an account name as
an argument. The password is prompted for and not echoed to the screen. Also takes the -password option to enter a password.
logout Logs you out of the current login context as established with a previous login command. Only contexts created with dcecp's login can be logged
out of. Trying to logout of an inherited context results in an error. Leaving dcecp does a logout for all contexts created in the session.
quit Exits from dcecp. A synonym of the Tcl built-in command exit.
resolve Takes a partial string binding and returns a fully bound string binding. Takes a required -interface option and an optional -object option with an
interface identifier as an argument to provide enough information for the mapping to occur.
shell Spawns a command shell for the user. The value of the shell environment variable is used to obtain the name of the shell to spawn. When the command shell
terminates, control is returned to dcecp. If called with arguments, they are passed to the shell and executed. Control is returned upon completion. Always returns an empty string, though
an error exception is generated if the shell exits abnormally.