The DCE host daemon
dced [-h | -i] [-cfr] [-w route] [-b | -p | -s] [-e | prot_seq ...]
-h Prints dced usage and exits.
-i Initializes dced databases and ACLs, and exits. If the databases exist, this option displays an error. See the list of databases in the Files
-c Starts dced so it does not require DCE privacy encryption for remote key table management. The default is to use DCE privacy encryption.
-f Starts the dced process in the foreground. The default is for dced to run in the background.
-r Starts dced in remote-update mode. This mode allows DCE cell administration tasks to be performed by an administrator on a remote machine. By default, dced
prevents any remote administration to help prevent attacks by malicious administrators.
-w route Establishes the serviceability routing for dced messages.
-b Starts the dced process in bootstrap mode with the endpoint mapper service and ACLs. This mode means it may need to wait for other daemons such as secd and
cdsd before it can perform its own initialization.
-p Purges the existing machine context and removes the bindings file before starting.
-s Starts dced without the security validation service.
-e Starts dced without the endpoint mapper service. No protocol sequences are valid for this option.
prot_seq Starts dced by using the specified RPC protocol sequence string or strings. Possible values include ncadg_ip_udp (for a datagram protocol) and
ncacn_ip_tcp (for a connection-based protocol). A complete list of the protocol sequences recognized can be found in dce/ep.idl.
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