DTS Server Counters
badservers Specifies the number of times that a non-local server was contacted, but it was not in the DTS security group.
diffepochs Specifies the number of times the node received time response messages from servers or clerks that had epoch numbers different from its own.
epochchanges Specifies the number of times the server's epoch has changed.
noglobals Specifies the number of times the courier server could not contact any global servers.
noresponses Specifies the number of times the courier server could not contact a specific global server.
noserverintersections Specifies the number of times a server has detected faulty servers (other than itself).
providerfailures Specifies the number of times the external time-provider signaled a failure, or the node was unable to access the time-provider.
updates Specifies the number of times a server has attempted to synchronize its clock.
See the OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components for more information about attributes.