host unconfigure
Unconfigures a specified host from a cell. The syntax is:
host unconfigure host_name [-force]
-force Optionally specifies that any errors that occur during an unconfigure operation are to be ignored and the unconfigure operation should continue.
Description The host unconfigure operation unconfigures a specified host from a cell. To unconfigure a cell, the operation deletes the following:
· All objects, directories and links from /.:/hosts/hostname including the directory itself
· All principal names beginning with hosts/hostname/, but not accounts with the same name
The unconfigure operation takes the fully qualified name of a host to unconfigure as an argument, as in the following:
/hosts /hostname
Privileges Required You must have the appropriate permission to delete CDS objects and directories. You must also have the appropriate permission to delete principals from the
registry. Refer to the appropriate reference page on each object for more details.
Examples The following example unconfigures host hydra from the cell:
dcecp> host unconfigure hosts/hydra dcecp>