hostdata catalog
Returns a list of the names of all hostdata objects on the specified host.The syntax is as follows:
hostname catalog [host_name_list] [-simplename] [-local] [-unauth]
-simplename Returns a list of hostdata entries without prepending the cellname and name of the hostdata container.
-local Specifies that the command should operate on the local dced hostdata object while the dced object is in a partial-service state.
-unauth Specifies that the command should operate as if an unauthenticated user is running it. This option is useful for intercell access when the cell registries are not
The hostdata catalog operation returns a list of the names of all hostdata objects on the specified host, in arbitrary order. The optional host_name_list argument
specifies objects on a foreign host. By default, fully qualified names are returned. Use the -simplename option to return object names without the prepended cell name and hostdata
container names.
Privileges Required You must have r (read) permission to the hostdata container on the host
dcecp> hostdata catalog /.../my_cell/hosts/mars/config/hostdata/dce_cf.db /.../my_cell/hosts/mars/config/hostdata/cell_name
/.../my_cell/hosts/mars/config/hostdata/cds_attributes /.../my_cell/hosts/mars/config/hostdata/cds_globalnames
/.../my_cell/hosts/mars/config/hostdata/host_name /.../my_cell/hosts/mars/config/hostdata/cell_aliases /.../my_cell/hosts/mars/config/hostdata/post_processors
/.../my_cell/hosts/mars/config/hostdata/svc_routing /.../my_cell/hosts/mars/config/hostdata/krb.conf /.../my_cell/hosts/mars/config/hostdata/dfs-cache-info
/.../my_cell/hosts/mars/config/hostdata/group_override dcecp>