link create
Creates a new soft link entry in CDS. The syntax is:
link create link-name_list {-to target-name [-timeout expiration-time extension-time] |
-attribute attribute_list}
-to target-name Specifies a single name for the links to point to. If you do not use this option, you must specify the link target with the
-attributes option.
-timeout expiration_time_extension_time Specifies the expiration time and an extension period for all soft links named by the link-name_list argument. The
option syntax is:
{expiration_time extension_time}:
See Attributes for more detailed information about link timeouts. If you omit the -timeout option, the link is permanent and must be explicitly deleted.
-attribute attribute_list Lets you specify attributes using an attribute list. (See Attributes).
Description The link create operation creates a new soft link entry in the Cell Directory Service. The required link_name_list argument is a list of one or
more full CDS names of the soft links to be created.
Privileges Required You must have i (insert) permission to the directory in which you intend to create the soft link.
Examples The following command creates a permanent soft link named /.:/sales/tokyo/price-server that points to an object entry named
/.:/sales/east/price-server. The expiration value indicates that CDS will check that the destination name
/.:/sales/east/price-server still exists on June 25,1995, at 12:00 p.m. If the destination name still exists, the soft link remains in effect another 90 days.
Thereafter, CDS checks that the destination name exists every 90 days.
dcecp> link create /.:/sales/tokyo/price-server -to \ > /.:/sales/east/price-server -timeout
{1995-06-25-12:00:00 \ > 90-00:00:00} dcecp>
You can enter the same information as the above example by using the -attributes option as follows:
dcecp> link create /.:/sales/tokyo/price-server -attribute { > {CDS_LinkTarget
/.:/sales/east/price-server} > {CDS_LinkTimeout > {expiration 1995-06-25-12:00:00}
> {extension 90-00:00:00}}} dcecp>