object modify
Adds or removes attributes or changes attribute values for object entries in CDS. The syntax is:
object modify object_name_list {-add attribute_list [-single] | -remove
attribute_list [-types] | -change attribute_list}
-add attribute_list Adds one or more new attributes to an object entry.
-single May be used with the -add option to specify that the attribute is single-valued.
-remove attribute_list Eliminates one or more attribute values from an attribute type of an object entry. For instance, removing a value from an attribute
with three values leaves the attribute with two values. The argument is an attribute list of the form:
{{attribute_name attribute_value}...{attribute_name attribute_value}}
To remove an attribute type as well as its values, use the -types option with the -remove option. For example
object modify /.:/foo -remove {RPC_CLASS RPC_CLASS_VERSION} -types
If an attribute is not present, an error is returned. Fixed CDS attribute types, such as the CDS creation Timestamp (CDS_CTS), cannot be removed.
-types Can be used with the -remove option to remove the attribute type as well as its values. This option is invalid without the -remove option.
-change attribute_list Changes one attribute value to another for an object entry. The value of this option is an attribute list. Each attribute in the list
has its existing value replaced by the new value given in the attribute list. For multivalued attributes, all existing values are replaced by all the values listed for the attribute in the attribute
list. If an attribute or value is not present, an error is returned.
Description The object modify operation adds, or removes attributes or changes attribute values for object entries in the Cell Directory Service. This task is usually
done through a client application. The required object_name argument is the full CDS name of the object entry to be modified. This operation returns an empty string on success.
Privileges Required You must have write permission to the object entry.
Examples To change the value of the sales_record attribute to region2 of an object entry named /.:/Q1_records, follow these steps:
1. Read the cds_attributes file to check that the attribute sales_record is listed, as shown in the following display:
OID LABEL SYNTAX sales_record char
2. Enter the following command to assign the value region2 to the attribute sales_record of an object entry named /.:/Q1_records.
dcecp> object modify /.:/Q1_records -add {sales_record region2} dcecp>
To remove the RPC_CLASS and RPC_CLASS_VERSION attributes:
dcecp> object modify /.:/foo -remove {RPC_CLASS RPC_CLASS_VERSION} -types dcecp>