Registry Attributes
deftktlife relative_time The default lifetime (in hours) for tickets issued to principals in this cell's registry. Specify the time using the DTS
relative time format ([-]DD-hh:mm:ss).
hidepwd {yes | no} Determines whether encrypted passwords are displayed or not. If this attribute is set to yes, an asterisk is displayed in place of the
encrypted password in command output and files where passwords are displayed. Possible values are either yes or no.
maxuid integer The highest number that can be supplied as a uid when principals are created. This maximum applies to both the system-generated and
user-entered uids. The value is an integer; the initial value depends on the configuration of your system.
mingid integer The starting point for gids automatically generated by the security service when a group is created. You can explicitly enter a lower
gid than this number; it applies only to automatically generated numbers. The value is an integer; the initial value depends on the configuration of your system.
minorgid integer The starting point for orgids automatically generated by the security service when an organization is created. You can explicitly enter a
lower orgid than this number; it applies only to automatically generated numbers. The value is an integer; the initial value depends on the configuration of your system.
mintktlife relative_time The minimum amount of time (in minutes) before the principal's ticket must be renewed. The value is an integer. This renewal is performed
automatically with no intervention on the part of the user. The shorter this time is, the greater the security of the system. However, extremely frequent renewal can degrade system performance.
Both system performance and the level of security required by the cell should be taken into consideration when selecting the value of this attribute. This is a registry-wide value only, it cannot be
set for individual accounts. The default is
minuid integer The starting point for uids automatically generated when a principal is created. This starting point applies only to automatically generated
identifiers. You can manually specify an identifier lower than the minuid. The value is an integer; the initial value depends on the configuration of your system.
version The version of the security server software. The initial value depends on the configuration of your system.