registry show
Returns information about the registry and its replicas. The syntax is:
registry show [registry_replica_name] [-attributes | -policies | -master | -replica
-attributes Returns an attribute list of the registry-wide attributes followed by any extended registry attributes.
-policies Returns only the registry-wide polices.
-replica Returns the synchronization information for the replica named in the argument to the -replica option.
-master Returns the synchronization information that the master keeps for each slave.
Description The registry show operation returns information about the registry and its replicas. An optional registry_replica_name argument specifies a single
registry replica to contact. Returns a variety of different information based on the option given. If called with no options or with the -attributes option, returns an attribute list of
all the registry-wide attributes, followed by any ERAs.
If called with the -policies option, the operation returns an attribute list of all the registry-wide polices.
If called with the -replica option, the operation returns the propagation information that is kept by the replica specified.
If called with the -master option, the operation returns the propagation information that is kept by the master for each slave. Use the -verbose option to return the propagation
information that is kept by the replica. If you specify this option and the optional registry_replica_name, registry_replica_name must specify the name of the master or the local
cell name.
This operation sets the _b(sec) to the replica to which it binds.
Privileges Required You must have A (admin) permission to the replist object.
dcecp> registry show -attributes {mingid 31000} {minorgid 100} {minuid 30000} {maxuid 32767} {version secd.dce.1.0.2}
dcecp> registry show -policies {deftktlife +0-10:00:00.000I-----} {mintktlife +0-00:05:00.000I-----} {hidepwd yes} dcecp>
dcecp> registry show /
/absolut_cell/subsys/dce/sec/ice -replica {name /.../absolut_cell/subsys/dce/sec/master}
{type master} {cell /.../absolut_cell} {uuid 91259b6c-9415-11cd-a7b5-080009251352} {status enabled} {lastupdtime
1994-07-05-14:38:15.000-04:00I-----} {lastupdseq 0.191} {addresses {ncacn_ip_tcp} {ncadg_ip_udp}}
{masteraddrs {ncacn_ip_tcp} {ncadg_ip_udp}} {masterseqnum 0.100} {masteruuid
91259b6c-9415-11cd-a7b5-080009251352} {supportedversions secd.dce.1.0.2} {updseqqueue {0.187 0.191}} dcecp> dcecp> registry
show /.../dcecp.cell.osf.org/subsys/dce/sec/snow -master {name /.../dcecp.cell.osf.org/subsys/dce/sec/snow} {uuid 91259b6c-9415-11cd-a7b5-080009251352}
{type master} {addresses {ncacn_ip_tcp} {ncadg_ip_udp}} {name
/.../dcecp.cell.osf.org/subsys/dce/sec/ice} {uuid 91259b6c-9415-11cd-a7b5-080009251352} {type slave} {addresses {ncacn_ip_tcp}
{ncadg_ip_udp}} {propstatus update} {lastupdtime 1994-10-13-14:58:28.000-04:00I-----} {lastupdseqsent 0.528} {numupdtogo
0} {commstate ok} {lastcommstatus {successful completions}} dcecp>