registry synchronize
Causes the specified replica to reinitialize itself with an up-to-date copy of the database. The syntax is:
registry synchronize registry_replica_name
Description The registry synchronize operation reinitializes a slave replica with an up-to-date copy of the database. registry_replica_name is the name of the
slave replica to operate on.
This operation binds to the master and tells the master to:
1. Mark the specified replica named in registry_replica_name for reinitialization
2. Send a message to the replica informing it to reinitialize itself
3. Give the replica a list of other replicas with up-to-date copies of the registry
The replica to be initialized then selects a replica from the list provided by the master and asks for a copy of the database. Note that the dcecp command returns before the synchronization
is complete because it simply tells the master to perform the synchronize procedure.
Normally, you do not need to use the registry synchronize command because registries remain synchronized automatically. This operation returns an empty string on success.
This operation sets the _b(sec) variable to the master in the local cell.
Privileges Required You must have A (admin) permission to the replist object.
dcecp> registry synchronize /.:/subsys/dce/sec/oddball dcecp>