rpcentry unexport
Removes binding information from an entry in the name service. The syntax is:
rpcentry unexport entry_name_list {[-object object_uuid_list] [-interface interface_id [-version
-object object_uuid_list Declares the UUID of an object. Accepts a list of up to 32 object UUIDs. The UUID is a hexadecimal string.
See Data Structures for the format of the object UUID.
-interface interface_id Declares the interface identifier of an RPC interface. The rpcentry unexport command operates on only one interface_id: if
you enter more than one, the command ignores all but the last interface identifier.
See Data Structures for the format of the interface identifier.
-version versions Specifies interface version numbers to be returned with an rpcentry unexport operation. Specify versions using one of the following values
for the -version option: all, exact, compatible, major_only, and upto.
See Data Structures for the exact behavior of the version values.
Description The rpcentry unexport operation removes binding information from an entry in the name service. The argument is a list of one or more entry names from which
binding information is to be removed. This operation returns an empty string on success.
Privileges Required You need both r (read) permission and w (write) permission to the CDS object entry (the target name service entry).
Examples The following example uses the dcecp syntax to unexport the binding information for an interface. The third command entered (rpcentry show) shows the
RPC entry after the unexport operation. The object uuid remains in the entry.
dcecp> rpcentry show /.:/subsys/applications/bbs_server {458ffcbe-98c1-11cd-bd93-0000c08adf56 1.0 {ncacn_ip_tcp}}
{76030c42-98d5-11cd-88bc-0000c08adf56} dcecp>
dcecp> rpcentry unexport /.:/subsys/applications/bbs_server \ > -interface {458ffcbe-98c1-11cd-bd93-0000c08adf56 1.0} dcecp>
dcecp> rpcentry show /.:/subsys/applications/bbs_server {76030c42-98d5-11cd-88bc-0000c08adf56} dcecp>