arguments string_list The command line arguments passed to the program on startup. Its value is a list of strings. Cannot be modified after creation.
directory directory_name The working directory that the server is started with. Cannot be modified after creation.
gid group_id The POSIX gid that the server is started with. Cannot be modified after creation.
keytabs keytab_list A list of UUIDs of related keytab objects where the server stores its keys. Cannot be modified after creation.
program program_name The name of the server program to be run. Its value is a string. Cannot be modified after creation.
prerequisites uuid_list A list of UUIDs of other server configuration objects that represents servers that must be running before this one is started. In DCE 1.1 this
information is not used to start the other servers, it is just a note to the administrator. Future versions of dced will probably take action based on this attribute. Cannot be modified
after creation.
principals principal_name_list A list of principal names that the server runs as. For example, secd runs as three different principals. A fully qualified
name is always returned on output. On input, a relative principal name represents a principal in default cell of the dced. Cannot be modified after creation.
services attribute_list A list where each element is an attribute list of the following attributes:
annotation annotation A human readable PCS string describing the service. (This is not an internationalized string for compatibility with DCE 1.0 endpoint map
annotation strings.)
bindings protocol_sequence_list A list of string bindings identifying the service. This is only specified for well-known endpoints.
flags flag_name_list The value is a list of key words to identify flags for the server. Currently only one is supported:
· disabled - The mapping has been marked as disabled in the endpoint map.
ifname interface_name The name of the interface of the service limited to PCS characters.
interface interface_id The interface identifier (UUID and version) of the service.
entryname service_name The name of the service (limited to PCS characters).
objects object_uuid_list A list of object UUIDs supported by the service.
executing {uuid pid} A list of two elements, the UUID of the server instance and the pid (process ID) of the running server. This attribute is only present if
the server is running. This attribute is multivalued, one value for each instance of the server.
starton starting_condition_list Identifies when a server should be started. The value is a list of one more of the following, which cannot be modified after creation.
· auto - Start if an rpc that would be serviced by this server is received by dced. Ignored for servers that are repositories.
· boot - Start at system startup.
· explicit - Start if dced receives a command to start the server (for example, the server start command in dcecp).
· failure - Start if dced detects that the server exited with a non-successful error code.
Specifying a null value to this attribute means the server will not be started. An example of a possible value is:
{starton {boot explicit failure}}
uid user_id The POSIX uid that the server is started with. Cannot be modified after creation.
uuid uuid The internal identifier of the object. It can be specified on creation, or automatically generated, but once created it cannot be modified.
Server configuration objects can also have ERAs attached to them. ERAs can be manipulated by the modify operation. See the OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components
for more information about server attributes.