Registry Server Account Interface (rs_acct) Operations
The rs_acct_add( ) operation adds an account with a specified login name. The caller needs to have m, a, and u (mgmt_info,
auth_info, and user_info) permissions on the principal of the account that is to be added. The constituent principal, group, and organization (PGO) items for an account
must be added before the account can be created. Also, the principal must have been added as a member of the specified group and organization.
Event Type (Event Number, Event Classes) ACCT_Add (0x10D, dce_sec_control, dce_sec_modify)
Event-Specific Information char *login_name sec_rgy_acct_key_t key_parts
The rs_acct_delete( ) operation deletes an account with a specified login name. The caller needs to have m, a, and u (mgmt_info, auth_info, and
user_info) permissions on the principal of the account that is to be deleted.
Event Type (Event Number, Event Classes) ACCT_Delete (0x10E, dce_sec_control, dce_sec_modify)
Event-Specific Information char *login_name
The rs_acct_rename( ) operation changes the account login name. The caller has to have the m (mgmt_info) permission on the accounts principal to be renamed
Event Type (Event Number, Event Classes) ACCT_Rename (0x10F, dce_sec_control, dce_sec_modify)
Event-Specific Information char *old_login_name char *new_login_name
The rs_acct_lookup( ) operation returns data for a specified account. The caller must have the r (read) permission according to the ACL of the accounts principal in order
to be viewed.
Event Type (Event Number, Event Classes) ACCT_Lookup (0x110, dce_sec_control, dce_sec_query)
Event-Specific Information char *login_name
The rs_acct_replace( ) operation replaces both the user and administrative information in the account record specified by the input login name. The administrative information contains
limitations on the accounts use and privileges. The user information contains such information as the account home directory and default shell. The administrative information can only be modified
by a caller with the a (auth_info) privilege for the accounts principal. The user information can be modified by a caller with the u (user_info) privileges for
the accounts principal.
Event Type (Event Number, Event Classes) ACCT_Replace (0x111, dce_sec_control, dce_sec_modify)
Event-Specific Information char *login_name unsigned32 key_parts
The rs_acct_get_projlist( ) operation returns members of the project list for the specified account. This operation requires the caller to have the r (read) permission on
the account principal for which the project list data is to be returned.
Event Type (Event Number, Event Classes) ACCT_GetProjlist (0x112, dce_sec_control, dce_sec_query)
Event-Specific Information char login_name