Registry Server Attributes Manipulation Interface (rs_attr) Operations
The rs_attr_update( ) operation updates (writes/creates) an attribute. The caller must have, for each attribute defined in attr_keys, the query_permset
permission on the registry object specified.
Event Type (Event Classes) ERA_Update (0x12B, dce_sec_control, dce_sec_modify)
Event-Specific Information char * component_name unsigned32 int num_to_write uuid in_attrs[num_to_write].attr_id
The rs_attr_delete( ) operation deletes specified attributes. The caller must have delete_permset permission for each attribute specified.
Event Type (Event Classes) ERA_Delete (0x12C, dce_sec_control, dce_sec_modify)
Event-Specific Information char * component_name unsigned32 num_to_delete uuid attrs[num_to_delete].attr_id
The rs_attr_lookup_by_id( ) operation performs a lookup of the attributes by attribute type ID. If the number of query attribute keys is 0, this operation returns all attributes
that the caller is authorized to use. The caller must have, for each attribute specified, the query_permset permission on the registry object specified.
Event Type (Event Classes) ERA_LookupById (0x12E, dce_sec_control)
Event-Specific Information char * component_name unsigned32 int num_attr_keys uuid attr_keys[num_attr_keys].attr_id
The rs_attr_lookup_no_expand( ) operation performs a lookup of the attributes by attribute type ID without expanding attribute sets to their constituent member attributes. If the number of
query attribute keys is 0, this operation returns all attributes that the caller is authorized to use. The caller must have, for each attribute specified, the query_permset
permission on the registry object specified.
Event Type (Event Classes) ERA_LookupNoExpand (0x12F, dce_sec_control)
Event-Specific Information char * component_name unsigned32 int num_attr_keys uuid attr_keys[num_attr_keys].attr_id
The rs_attr_lookup_by_name( ) operation performs a lookup of an attribute by name. The caller must have, for the attribute specified, q (query_permset) permission on the
registry object specified.
Event Type (Event Classes) ERA_LookupByName (0x130, dce_sec_control)
Event-Specific Information char * component_name char * attr_name