Validates a principals identity and obtains the principals network credentials
dce_login [principal_name] [password] [-c] [-k keytable] [-r] [-e[xec] cmd_string]
-c Causes the principals identity to be certified. If you do not specify -c, the principals identity is validated only.
-k keytable Retrieves the authentication key from keytable.
-r Refreshes and validates the current login ID.
-e[xec] cmd_string Executes the command supplied as cmd_string.
principal_name The name of the principal to log in as.
password The password for principal_name.
The dce_login command is supplied for use in DCE configuration. It validates a principals identity and obtains the principals network credentials.
If the -c option is supplied, the command also certifies the principals identity, and, if the principal is able to be certified, creates an entry for the principal in the machines local
registry. If the principal is not able to be certified, the command attempts to log the principal in through the local registry.
The -e (or -exec) option executes the command specified by cmd_string after login. If you specify cmd_string without a full pathname, the path prefix is obtained
by searching the directories according to the PATH variable.
If you do not supply the name of the principal to validate, either on the command line with the principal_name argument or through the -r option that retrieves the principal name
from the current login context, dce_login prompts for the principal name. If you do not supply the principals authentication key either on the command line with the password
argument or through the -k option that retrieves the principal authentication key from the specified keytable, dce_login prompts for the password.
If you supply the principal name and password on the command line, you must specify the principal name first, followed by the password. If you supply the principal_name argument and the
-r option, the named principal must be the principal of the current network identity.
The dce_login command executes the shell specified in the shell environment variable.
Note that if the clocks on the security server and client machines are not synchronized to within 2 or 3 minutes of each other, you may receive a password validation error and be unable to be