Edits the registry database
rgy_edit [[[-a | -p | -g | -o] [-s name] [-up[date]] [-v [-f] [name |
-un[ix__number]] [-nq]] | -l]
Options The following options are supplied when rgy_edit is invoked. You can specify only one of the options -a, -p, -g, and -o.
If you specify the -l option, you can specify no other options.
-a (default) Edits or views accounts.
-p Edits or views principals.
-g Edits or views groups.
-o Edits or views organizations.
-s name Binds to the registry site specified by name. The name variable is either the fully qualified name of the cell that contains the registry to
which you want access, or the fully qualified name of a specific registry server.
-up[date] Binds to a read-write registry site in the cell specified by the -s option.
-v Views the registry entry specified by name or unix_number. If no entry is specified, all entries are viewed.
-f Displays in full the entry (or entries) selected by the -v option. The full entry includes all fields except the membership list and organization policy.
-nq Specifies that delete operations will not be queried. The default is to prompt the user for verification when a delete operation is requested.
-l Edits or views entries in local registry.