create link(8cds)
Creates a soft link and optionally specifies an expiration time and an extension time
cdscp create link link-name CDS_LinkTarget = target-name [CDS_LinkTimeout = (expiration-time extension-time)]
link-name The full name of the soft link.
CDS_LinkTarget = target-name The full name of the entry to which the soft link points.
CDS_LinkTimeout = (expiration-time extension time) The expiration-time argument specifies a date and time after which CDS checks for existence of the soft
link's target and either extends or deletes the soft link. The value is specified as follows:
You can abbreviate this value.
The extension-time argument specifies a period of time by which to extend the soft link's expiration time (if the server has validated that the target still exists). The value is specified
as follows:
You can abbreviate this value.
Description The create link command creates a soft link. If you specify the CDS_LinkTimeout attribute, you must specify an expiration time and an extension
time. If you omit the CDS_LinkTimeout attribute, the soft link is permanent and must be explicitly deleted.
Privileges Required You must have i (insert) permission to the directory in which you intend to create the soft link.
Notes This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE.
Examples The following command creates a permanent soft link named /.:/sales/tokyo/price-server that points to an object entry named
/.:/sales/east/price-server. The expiration value indicates that CDS will check that the destination name /.:/sales/east/price-server still exists on June 25,1995, at 12:00 p.m.
If the destination name still exists, the soft link remains in effect another 90 days. Thereafter, CDS will check that the destination name exists every 90 days.
cdscp> create link /.:/sales/tokyo/price-server CDS_LinkTarget \ > = /.:/sales/east/price-server CDS_LinkTimeout =(1995-06-25-12:00:00 \
> = 90-00:00:00)
Related Information Commands:
delete link(8cds) list link(8cds) set link(8cds) show link(8cds)