set directory to skulk(8cds)
Starts the skulk of a directory immediately
cdscp set directory directory-name to skulk
directory-name The full name of the directory.
Description The set directory to skulk command starts the skulk of a directory immediately. The CDS control program prompt cdscp> does not return until the skulk is
complete. The amount of time for the skulk to complete depends on the location, number, and availability of replicas of the directory.
Privileges Required You must have A (Admin), w (write), i (insert), or d (delete) permission to the directory. The server principal needs
A (Admin), r (read), and w (write) permission to the directory.
Notes This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE.
Examples The following command initiates a skulk on the /.:/admin directory:
cdscp> set directory /.:/admin to skulk
Related Information Commands:
add directory(8cds)
create directory(8cds)
delete directory(8cds)
list directory(8cds)
remove directory(8cds)
set directory to new epoch(8cds)
show directory(8cds)