Editing CDS Control Program Commands
You can abbreviate commands, continue a command beyond one line, or redirect output to a file within the control program.
To abbreviate any command name, type only the first four characters. You can abbreviate a command name to fewer than four characters as long as the abbreviated name remains unique among all command
names in the control program. For example, the following commands are equivalent:
cdscp> show directory /.:/sales cdscp> sh dir /.:/sales
To continue a long command line onto the next line, type a space and then a backslash (\) at the end of the first line, for example:
cdscp> set link /.:/sales CDS_LinkTimeout \ > (1991-12-31-12:00:00 090-00:00:00)
To add a comment, use the # (number sign). Everything following the # character on a line is ignored.
To redirect output to a file, most UNIX shell users can type >filename at the shell prompt. To redirect output of error text to a file, most UNIX shell users can type
>&filename at the shell prompt.
For example, the following command redirects the display produced by the show directory command to a new text file named directory_names:
$ cdscp show directory /.:/* >directory_names