Document revision date: 10 November 2000
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DECwindows Extensions to Motif

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You can use SVN to display hierarchical information in three different formats, or modes:

Each SVN line, or entry, in your hierarchy can display as many as thirty pieces of information (called components) depending on the amount of information users need. The components can be of three data types: text, pixmaps, and widgets.

The SVN widget includes additional support routines (also described in this document) that allow your application to insert and remove components, set the text associated with a component, set a component to be hidden, set and determine a component's width, and determine a component's number.

When you create an SVN widget, note that applications must be able to communicate with the widget through Toolkit routine calls that request information about and manipulate selections. As such, when you use the DXmCreateSvn routine to create the SVN widget, you must include the following SVN callbacks:

See the DECwindows Motif Guide to Application Programming for a complete description of the SVN widget. See also the following SVN routines for related information.

Routine Description
DXmSvnAddEntries Opens new entries in the structure.
DXmSvnAutoScrollCheck Determines whether the DXmSvnAutoScrollDisplay routine should be called.
DXmSvnAutoScrollDisplay Automatically scrolls the screen one unit based on the cursor position.
DXmSvnClearHighlight Removes (clears) highlighting from a specified entry.
DXmSvnClearHighlighting Removes (clears) all highlighting from the entries.
DXmSvnClearSelection Clears (cancels) the selection of a specified entry.
DXmSvnClearSelections Clears (cancels) all selections.
DXmSvnDeleteEntries Deletes entries from the structure.
DXmSvnDisableDisplay Temporarily disables the SVN widget from generating a display.
DXmSvnEnableDisplay Reenables the SVN widget.
DXmSvnFlushEntry Displays the specified entry on the screen if it is the next logically displayed entry.
DXmSvnGetComponentNumber Retrieves (returns) the component number containing a supplied tag value.
DXmSvnGetComponentTag Retrieves (returns) a component tag for a specified component number.
DXmSvnGetComponentText Retrieves (returns) the address of a compound string.
DXmSvnGetComponentWidth Retrieves (returns) the width of a specified component.
DXmSvnGetDisplayed Retrieves (returns) displayed entry numbers and related information necessary to draw a corresponding display.
DXmSvnGetEntryLevel Retrieves (returns) the level of an entry in the display.
DXmSvnGetEntryNumber Retrieves (returns) the entry number for a specified entry tag value.
DXmSvnGetEntryPosition Retrieves (returns) the position of an entry in the display.
DXmSvnGetEntrySensitivity Retrieves (returns) the sensitivity of an entry in the display.
DXmSvnGetEntryTag Retrieves (returns) an entry's tag for a specified entry number.
DXmSvnGetHighlighted Retrieves (returns) a list of entries currently highlighted by the user.
DXmSvnGetNumDisplayed Retrieves (returns) the number of entries currently being displayed in the window.
DXmSvnGetNumHighlighted Retrieves (returns) the number of highlighted entries.
DXmSvnGetNumSelections Retrieves (returns) the number of selected entries.
DXmSvnGetPrimaryWorkWidget Retrieves (returns) the widget ID of the primary SVN work widget (window).
DXmSvnGetSecondaryWorkWidget Retrieves (returns) the widget ID of the secondary SVN work widget (window).
DXmSvnGetSelections Retrieves (returns) a list of selected entry numbers.
DXmSvnGetTreePosition Retrieves (returns) the position of the display window for future use.
DXmSvnHideHighlighting Specifies that the SVN widget show highlighted entries in the default format, without using highlighting graphics.
DXmSvnHideSelections Specifies that the SVN widget show selected entries in the default format, without using selection graphics.
DXmSvnHighlightAll Highlights all entries.
DXmSvnHighlightEntry Highlights a specified entry.
DXmSvnInsertComponent Inserts a new component into each SVN entry.
DXmSvnInvalidateEntry Specifies that the SVN widget redisplay (update) an entry.
DXmSvnMapPosition Associates the x and y position with an entry number.
DXmSvnPositionDisplay Displays a specified entry.
DXmSvnRemoveComponent Removes a component from each SVN entry.
DXmSvnSelectAll Selects all entries.
DXmSvnSelectComponent Selects a specified entry using a particular component.
DXmSvnSelectEntry Selects a specified entry.
DXmSvnSetApplDragging Turns application dragging mode on or off in the SVN widget.
DXmSvnSetComponentHidden Controls which modes the SVN widget uses to display a particular component.
DXmSvnSetComponentPixmap Adds a pixmap component to an entry.
DXmSvnSetComponentTag Sets the tag of a component.
DXmSvnSetComponentText Adds a read-only component string to an entry.
DXmSvnSetComponentWidget Adds an SVN subwidget component to an entry.
DXmSvnSetComponentWidth Sets the width of a component.
DXmSvnSetEntry Provides the SVN widget with new entry level information.
DXmSvnSetEntryIndexWindow Controls whether the SVN widget displays the entry in the index window.
DXmSvnSetEntryNumComponents Provides the SVN widget with the number of components for an entry.
DXmSvnSetEntryPosition Sets the position of an entry in user-defined tree mode.
DXmSvnSetEntrySensitivity Controls whether the user can select a particular entry.
DXmSvnSetEntryTag Sets an entry tag with a specified entry.
DXmSvnSetTreePosition Sets the position of the tree in tree display mode.
DXmSvnShowHighlighting Specifies that the SVN widget use highlight graphics when showing highlighted entries.
DXmSvnShowSelections Specifies that the SVN widget use selection graphics on the entries when showing selections.
DXmSvnValidateAll Ensures that all entries are valid.


Examines XmString segments for ISO_LATIN_1 characters.


Boolean DXmCSContainsStringCharSet(str) 
         XmString  str; 

Return Value

A Boolean value that, when True, indicates that all XmString segments contain characters from the ISO_LATIN_1 character set.



A compound string.


The DXmCSContainsStringCharSet routine examines all XmString segments in the application for characters belonging to the ISO_LATIN_1 character set. If non-ISO_LATIN_1 characters are detected, this routine will return False.


Clears (cancels) the global selection highlighted in the compound string text widget.


void DXmCSTextClearSelection(widget, time) 
      Widget  widget; 
      Time    time; 



The identifier (widget ID) of the compound string text widget.


The time of the event that generated the call to DXmCSTextClearSelection.


The DXmCSTextClearSelection routine clears (cancels) the global selection highlighted in the compound string text widget. See the DXmCreateCSText, DXmCSTextGetSelection, and DXmCSTextSetSelection routines for related information.


Copies the currently selected (highlighted) text to the clipboard.


Boolean DXmCSTextCopy (widget, time) 
         Widget  widget; 
         Time    time; 

Return Value

A Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the text has been successfully copied to the clipboard.



The identifier (widget ID) of the compound string text widget.


The time of the event that generated the call to DXmCSTextCopy.


The DXmCSTextCopy routine copies the selected (highlighted) text in the compound string text widget to the clipboard, returning the success or failure of that operation. (See the OSF/Motif Programmer's Reference and the OSF/Motif Programmer's Guide for more information about the clipboard.) See the DXmCreateCSText, DXmCSTextCut, DXmCSTextPaste, and DXmCSTextRemove routines for related information.


Deletes the currently selected (highlighted) text after copying it to the clipboard.


Boolean DXmCSTextCut(widget, time) 
         Widget  widget; 
         Time    time; 

Return Value

A Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the text has been successfully copied to the clipboard and then deleted.



The identifier (widget ID) of the compound string text widget.


The time of the event that generated the call to DXmCSTextCut.


The DXmCSTextCut routine deletes (cuts) the selected (highlighted) text in the compound string text widget after copying the text to the clipboard, returning the success or failure of that operation. (See the OSF/Motif Programmer's Reference and the OSF/Motif Programmer's Guide for more information about the clipboard.) See the DXmCreateCSText, DXmCSTextCopy, DXmCSTextPaste, and DXmCSTextRemove routines for related information.


Temporarily prevents the visual update of the DXmCSText widget


void DXmCSTextDisableRedisplay(widget) 
        Widget  widget; 



The identifier (widget ID) of the compound string text widget.


The DXmCSTextDisableRedisplay routine prevents redisplay of the specified DXmCSText widget even though its visual attributes have been modified. The visual appearance of the widget remains unchanged until DXmCSTextEnableRedisplay is called. This allows an application to make multiple changes to the widget without causing intermediate visual updates.


Forces the visual update of the DXmCSText widget.


void DXmCSTextEnableRedisplay(widget) 
        Widget  widget; 



The identifier (widget ID) of the compound string text widget.


The DXmCSTextEnableRedisplay is used in conjunction with DXmCSTextDisableRedisplay, which suppresses visual update of DXmCSText. When DXmCSTextEnableRedisplay is called, it determines if any visual attributes have been set or modified for the specified widget since DXmCSTextDisableRedisplay was called. If so, it forces the widget to update its visual display for all of the intervening changes. Any subsequent changes that affect visual appearance cause the widget to update its visual display.


Indicates whether the text in the compound string text widget can be edited by the user.


Boolean DXmCSTextGetEditable(widget) 
         Widget  widget; 

Return Value

A Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the user can edit the text in the compound string text widget. When False, the user cannot edit the text.



The identifier (widget ID) of the compound string text widget.


The DXmCSTextGetEditable routine indicates, by returning True or False, whether the text in the compound string text widget can be edited by the user. See the DXmCreateCSText and DXmCSTextSetEditable routines for related information.


Retrieves (returns) the logical position of the insertion cursor.


DXmCSTextPosition DXmCSTextGetInsertionPosition(widget) 
                   Widget  widget; 

Return Value

An integer that represents the logical position of the cursor, by number of characters from the beginning of the text buffer.



The identifier (widget ID) of the compound string text widget.


The DXmCSTextGetInsertionPosition routine retrieves the logical position of the insertion cursor by returning an integer that indicates the distance (in number of characters) between the cursor and the beginning of the text buffer. See the DXmCSTextSetInsertionPosition for related information.


Retrieves (returns) the logical position of the last character in the text.


DXmCSTextPosition DXmCSTextGetLastPosition(widget) 
                   Widget  widget; 

Return Value

An integer that represents the logical position of the last character in the text buffer.



The identifier (widget ID) of the compound string text widget.


The DXmCSTextGetLastPosition routine retrieves the logical position of the last character in the text by returning an integer. The position may correspond to a line feed.


Retrieves (returns) current maximum allowable length of the text in the compound string text widget.


int DXmCSTextGetMaxLength(widget) 
     Widget  widget; 

Return Value

An integer that represents the maximum allowable length, in characters, of the text in the compound string text widget.



The identifier (widget ID) of the compound string text widget.


The DXmCSTextGetMaxLength routine retrieves the current maximum allowable length of the text in the compound string text widget by returning an integer. See the DXmCreateCSText and DXmCSTextSetMaxLength routines for related information.


Retrieves the text selected in the compound string text widget.


XmString DXmCSTextGetSelection(widget) 
          Widget  widget; 

Return Value

A pointer to the selected text compound string.



The identifier (widget ID) of the compound string text widget.


The DXmCSTextGetSelection routine retrieves the text selected (highlighted) in the compound string text widget. It returns a Null pointer if no text is selected in the widget. The application is responsible for freeing the storage associated with the text by calling the Intrinsic routine XtStringFree.

See the DXmCreateCSText, DXmCSTextSetSelection, DXmCSTextClearSelection, DXmCSTextCut, DXmCSTextCopy, and DXmCSTextPaste routines for related information. See also the X Window System Toolkit manual for more information about using the Intrinsic routines.


Retrieves (returns) the left and right positions of the currently selected text.


Boolean DXmCSTextGetSelectionInfo (widget, left, right) 
         Widget             widget; 
         DXmCSTextPosition  *left; 
         DXmCSTextPosition  *right; 

Return Value

A Boolean value that, when False, indicates that there is no currently selected text; otherwise, the value is True.



The identifier (widget ID) of the compound string text widget.


The left logical position corresponding to the selected text.


The right logical position corresponding to the selected text.


The DXmCSTextGetSelectionInfo routine, when True, returns the left and right logical positions corresponding to the currently selected (highlighted) text. If no text is selected, this routine returns False.

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