Document revision date: 10 November 2000
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DECwindows Extensions to Motif

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A.34 XmPopupMenu

Controls Reasons
XmCascadeButton MrmNcreateCallback
XmCascadeButtonGadget XmNdestroyCallback
XmDrawnButton XmNentryCallback
XmLabel XmNhelpCallback
XmLabelGadget XmNmapCallback
XmPushButton XmNunmapCallback
UIL Argument Name Argument Type Default Value
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNadjustLast boolean True
XmNadjustMargin boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNentryAlignment integer dynamic
XmNentryBorder integer dynamic
XmNentryClass class_rec_name dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer dynamic
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNisAligned boolean True
XmNisHomogeneous boolean dynamic
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer dynamic
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNmenuAccelerator string dynamic
XmNmenuHelpWidget widget_ref Null
XmNmenuHistory widget_ref Null
XmNmenuPost string Null
XmNmnemonic keysym dynamic
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer dynamic
XmNnumColumns integer dynamic
XmNorientation integer dynamic
XmNpacking integer dynamic
XmNpopupEnabled boolean True
XmNradioAlwaysOne boolean True
XmNradioBehavior boolean False
XmNresizeHeight boolean True
XmNresizeWidth boolean True
XmNrowColumnType integer XmWORK_AREA
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNspacing integer dynamic
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNsubMenuId widget_ref Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData any Null
XmNwhichButton integer dynamic
XmNwidth integer dynamic
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.35 XmPromptDialog

Controls Reasons
XmPushButton MrmNcreateCallback
user_defined XmNapplyCallback
UIL Argument Name Argument Type Default Value
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNapplyLabelString compound_string Apply
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_string cancel
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_string help
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNlistItemCount integer 0
XmNlistItems string_table Null
XmNlistLabelString compound_string Null
XmNlistVisibleItemCount integer 8
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNmustMatch boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_string OK
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectionLabelString compound_string Selection
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtextAccelerators translation_table  
XmNtextColumns integer 20
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextString compound_string Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData any Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.36 XmPulldownMenu

Controls Reasons
XmCascadeButton MrmNcreateCallback
XmCascadeButtonGadget XmNdestroyCallback
XmDrawnButton XmNentryCallback
XmLabel XmNhelpCallback
XmLabelGadget XmNmapCallback
XmPushButton XmNunmapCallback
UIL Argument Name Argument Type Default Value
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNadjustLast boolean True
XmNadjustMargin boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNentryAlignment integer dynamic
XmNentryBorder integer dynamic
XmNentryClass class_rec_name dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer dynamic
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNisAligned boolean True
XmNisHomogeneous boolean dynamic
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer dynamic
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNmenuAccelerator string dynamic
XmNmenuHelpWidget widget_ref Null
XmNmenuHistory widget_ref Null
XmNmenuPost string Null
XmNmnemonic keysym dynamic
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer dynamic
XmNnumColumns integer dynamic
XmNorientation integer dynamic
XmNpacking integer dynamic
XmNpopupEnabled boolean True
XmNradioAlwaysOne boolean True
XmNradioBehavior boolean False
XmNresizeHeight boolean True
XmNresizeWidth boolean True
XmNrowColumnType integer XmWORK_AREA
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNspacing integer dynamic
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNsubMenuId widget_ref Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData any Null
XmNwhichButton integer dynamic
XmNwidth integer dynamic
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

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