Records in RMS files can have the following formats:
- Fixed-length format, where the length of every record
is defined at the time of the file's creation. This format is
permitted with any file organization.
- Variable-length format, where the maximum length of every
record is defined at the time of the file's creation. This format
is permitted with any file organization.
- Variable-length format with a fixed-length control area
(VFC), where every record is prefixed by a fixed-length field.
This format is permitted only with sequential and relative files.
- Stream format, where records are delimited by special
characters called terminators. Terminators are part of
the record they delimit. The three types of stream formatting are
as follows:
- Stream, where records can be delimited with a form
feed, vertical tab, new-line character, or carriage-return
/new-line character.
- Stream_cr, where records are delimited with the
carriage-return character.
- Stream_lf, where records are delimited with the line-
feed character. This format variation is the default format
when you create files using the Standard I/O functions.
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