C.2 DEC Text Processing Utility

The DEC Text Processing Utility (DECTPU) (provided with the OpenVMS operating system) is a high-performance, programmable utility. DECTPU provides a number of special features, such as multiple buffers and windows, definable keys and key sequences, a procedural language, and a callable interface.

DECTPU serves as a base on which to layer other text processing applications, for example, text editors. The Extensible VAX Editor (EVE) is the editor provided with DECTPU. To invoke EVE, enter the following command at the DCL prompt:


To exit from EVE, press the Do key to get the Command: prompt. If you want to save modifications to your file, enter the EXIT command. If you do not want to save the file or any modification to the file, enter the QUIT command.

For information on DECTPU and EVE, see the Guide to VMS Text Processing.

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