11.3 DEC C RTL Date/Time Computations-UTC and Local Time

Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) is an international standard for measuring time of day. Under the UTC time standard, zero hours occurs when the Greenwich Meridian is at midnight. UTC has the advantage of always increasing, unlike local time, which can go backwards/forwards depending on daylight saving time.

Also, UTC has two additional components:

For the DEC C RTL time support to work correctly on OpenVMS Version 7.0 and higher, the following must be in place:

For more information, see the section on setting up your system to compensate for different time zones in your OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials.

The DEC C RTL uses local time-zone conversion rules to compute local time from UTC, as follows:

  1. The DEC C RTL internally computes time in terms of UTC.

  2. The DEC C RTL then uses time-zone conversion rules to compute a time-differential factor to apply to UTC to derive local time. See the tzset function in the reference section of this manual for more information on the time-zone conversion rules.

By default, the time-zone conversion rules used for computing local time from UTC are specified in time-zone files defined by the SYS$LOCALTIME and SYS$POSIXRULES system logicals. These logicals are set during an OpenVMS installation to point to time-zone files that represent the system's best approximation to local wall-clock time:

SYS$POSIXRULES can be the same as SYS$LOCALTIME. See the tzset function for more information.

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