7.5 Selection Statements

A selection statement selects among a set of statements depending on the value of a controlling expression. The selection statements are the if statement and the switch statement, which are discussed in the following sections.

7.5.1 The if Statement

The if statement has the following syntax:

if ( expression )



The statement following the control expression is executed if the value of the control expression is true (nonzero). An if statement can be written with an optional else clause that is executed if the control expression is false (0).

Consider the following example:

if (i < 1)
   i = x++;

In this example, if the value of i is less than 1, then the statement funct(i) is executed and the compound statement following the keyword else is not executed. If the value of i is not less than 1, then only the compound statement following the keyword else is executed.

The control expression in a selection statement is usually a logical expression, but it can be any expression of scalar type.

When if statements are nested, an else clause matches the most recent if statement that does not have an else clause, and is in the same block. For example:

if (i < 1)
    if (j < 1)
    if (k < 1)            /* This if statement is associated with */
    else                  /* this else clause.                    */
        funct(j + k);

7.5.2 The switch Statement

The switch statement executes one or more of a series of cases, based on the value of a controlling expression. The switch statement has the following syntax:

switch ( expression )


The usual arithmetic conversions are performed on the control expression, but the result must have an integral type. For more information about data-type conversion, see Section 6.10. The switch statement is typically a compound statement, within which are one or more case statements executed if the control expression matches the case . The syntax for a case label and expression follows:

case constant-expression : statement

The constant expression must have an integral type. No two case labels can specify the same value. There is no limit on the number of case labels in a switch statement.

Only one statement in the compound statement can have the following label:

default :

The case and default labels can occur in any order, but it is common practice for the default statement to follow the case statements. Note that execution flows from the selected case into the cases following unless explicit action is taken, such as a break statement.

When the switch statement is executed, the following sequence takes place:

  1. The switch control expression is evaluated (and integral promotions applied) and compared with the constant expressions in the case labels.

  2. If the control expression's value matches a case label, control transfers to the statement following that label. If a break statement is encountered, the switch statement terminates; otherwise, execution continues into the following case or default statements until a break statement or the end of the switch statement is encountered (see Example 7-1).

    A switch statement can also be terminated by a return or goto statement. If a switch statement is inside a loop, the switch statement is terminated if a continue statement terminates the loop. See Section 7.7 for more information about these statements.

  3. If the control expression's value does not match any case label, and there is a default label, control is transferred to the statement following that label. If a break statement does not end the default statement, and a case label follows, that case statement is executed.

  4. If the control expression's value does not match any case label and there is no default label, execution of the switch statement terminates.

Example 7-1 uses the switch statement to count blanks, tabs, and new-line characters entered from the terminal.

Example 7-1 Using switch to Count Blanks, Tabs, and New Lines

/*  This program counts blanks, tabs, and new lines in text *
 *  entered from the keyboard.                              */

#include <stdio.h>
   int number_tabs = 0, number_lines = 0, number_blanks = 0;
   int ch;
   while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF)
      switch (ch)
             case '\t': ++number_tabs;
            case '\n':  ++number_lines;
            case ' ' :  ++number_blanks;
   printf("%6d\t%6d\t%6d\n", number_blanks,

Key to Example 7-1:

  1. A series of case statements is used to increment separate counters depending on the character encountered.

  2. The break statement causes control to return to the while loop. Control is passed to the while loop if the value of ch does not match any of the case constant expressions.

Without the break statements, each case would drop through to the next.

If variable declarations appear in the compound statement within a switch statement, initializers on auto or register declarations are ineffective. However, initializations within the statements following a case are effective. Consider the following example:

switch (ch)
      int nx = 1;          /* Initialization ignored            */
      printf("%d", n);     /* This first printf is not executed */
      case 'a' :
       { int n = 5;        /* Proper initialization occurs      */
         printf("%d", n);
         break; }
      case 'b' :
         { break; }
      default :
         { break; }

In this example, if ch == 'a' , then the program prints the value 5. If the variable equals any other letter, the program prints nothing because the initialization occurs outside of the case label, and statements outside of the case label are ineffective.

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