Use the following command to execute KAP as a standalone preprocessor:
cc/preprocess myprog.c kapc [kap_qualifier_string] myprog.i /cmp=myprog_cmp.c
After preprocessing your program, give myprog_cmp.c
the C compiler and to the linker, as follows:
cc/optimize=(tune=host,level=4)/ANSI_ALIAS myprog_cmp.c link /threads_enable/EXECUTABLE=myprog.exe myprog_cmp.obj,SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]kio/lib, SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]kmp/lib
to process a file, you must set the C compiler and linker qualifiers
appropriately. For this reason, Digital recommends that you
use kcc
whenever possible, as kcc
automatically sets the compiler and linker qualifiers correctly.