After you have successfully run KAP on a working program by using either the protocol for small programs or that for large programs, you can try the following procedures to find additional opportunities for optimization within your program:
. If the user-written SAVE
statements are sufficient and correct for the compiler you are
using, this action may reduce unneeded precautions that KAP
ordinarily takes.
and /miifg
. These actions may
reduce the total code space enough to make paging or caching the
program code work better.
and /inll=2
. Inlining is usually more
effective if you inline only a few carefully chosen routines
rather than inlining everything and cluttering up the code with
too much low-payoff inlining. However, the shotgun approach can
sometimes produce good results.
However, the above qualifiers may increase the amount of time and memory KAP needs to process your source files.