5.2.2 #pragma _KAP concurrent call

The #pragma _KAP concurrent call assertion tells KAP that the function calls in the immediately following loop can execute in parallel. KAP ignores all potential data dependences due to function arguments.

This assertion does not apply to any nested or surrounding loops. Place the concurrent call assertion before each loop with function references that can execute in parallel, as shown in the following example:

        double x[800][5000];
        int row,col;
        float time1,time2;
        time1 = ctimec_();
#pragma _KAP concurrent call
        for(row=0; row<800; row++){
                for(col=0; col <5000; col++){
                   x[row][col]=sin(-(double)(row)) + sin(-(double)(row));
        time2 = ctimec_();
        printf("time: %f\n",time1-time2);

Using the #pragma _KAP concurrent call assertion and processing with the /unroll=1 and /conc qualifiers causes KAP to generate the following code:

int main(  )

    double x[800][5000];
    int row;
    int col;
    float time1;
    float time2;
    int _Kii1;
    int _Kii2;
    void PKmain0( );

    csettime_( 1000 );
    time1 = ctimec_(  );
    mppfrk_( PKmain0, 1, x );

    time2 = ctimec_(  );
    printf( "time: %f\n", time1 - time2 );
    mppend_(  );
void PKmain0( _mppid_, _mppnpr_, _Kaa1 )
    long _mppid_;
    long _mppnpr_;
    double _Kaa1[800][5000];


    int _Kii1;
    int _Kii2;
    long _Kii3;
    long _Kii4;
    long _Kii5;

    _Kii5 = 799 / _mppnpr_ + 1;
    _Kii3 = _mppid_ * _Kii5;
    _Kii4 = ((799)<(_Kii3 + _Kii5 - 1) ? (799) : (_Kii3 + _Kii5 - 1));
    for ( _Kii1 = _Kii3; _Kii1<=_Kii4; _Kii1++ ) {
     for ( _Kii2 = 0; _Kii2<=4999; _Kii2++ ) {
     _Kaa1[_Kii1][_Kii2] = sin( -(double )(_Kii1) ) + sin( -(double )(_Kii1) );

KAP does not generate parallel code if you use the /noconcurrentize command-line qualifier.

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