Document revision date: 19 July 1999 | |
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SYSINIT-E-create process error on STARTUP, status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: An error occurred while creating the
STARTUP process.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying
message and reboot the system.
SYSINIT-E-error allocating pool - error log buffers not copied, status
= 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: There was insufficient nonpaged pool
available to allocate the error log recovery buffer used to store the
error log messages for ERRFMT to copy out later to the error log file.
Because not enough pool is available to allocate the storage area, the
error log messages cannot be saved.
User Action: Increase the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN so
that enough nonpaged pool is available to allocate the error log
recovery buffer.
SYSINIT-E-error creating shadowed system disk, status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: An error was encountered when creating
the shadowed system disk. The 'status' field provides the actual
failure status represented as a hexadecimal number.
User Action: Try to determine the cause of the
failure. If a running system is not available to determine the ident,
contact your software support organization to determine the ident for
SYSINIT-E-error loading message file, status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: The system message file,
SYS$MESSAGE:SYSMSG.EXE, could not be loaded into the system. The
'status' field provides the failure status represented as a hexadecimal
User Action: Try to determine the cause of the
failure. If you do not have a running system available to determine the
ident, contact your software support organization to determine the
ident for you.
SYSINIT-E-error loading RECOVERY_UNIT_SERVICES.EXE, status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: The OpenVMS RECOVERY_UNIT_SERVICES image,
into the system. The 'status' field provides the failure status
represented as a hexadecimal number.
User Action: Try to determine the cause of the
failure. If you do not have a running system available to determine the
ident, contact your software support organization to determine the
ident for you.
SYSINIT-E-error loading RMS.EXE, status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: The RMS file system image,
SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:RMS.EXE, could not be loaded into the system. The
'status' field provides the failure status represented as a hexadecimal
User Action: Try to determine the cause of the
failure. If you do not have a running system available to determine the
ident, contact your software support organization to determine the
ident for you.
SYSINIT-E-error mounting system device, status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: An error condition is preventing the
system disk from being mounted. In general, these error conditions are
no different from errors that prevent other volumes from being mounted,
such as a random I/O error, a corrupted file system, or an incorrect
ACP image.
User Action: Correct the problem that is preventing
the system disk from being mounted, then reboot the system.
SYSINIT-E-error opening or mapping F11BXQP, status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: The OpenVMS file system,
SYS$SYSTEM:F11BXQP.EXE, could not be opened or mapped. The 'status'
field provides the failure status represented as a hexadecimal number.
User Action: Try to determine the cause of the
failure. If you do not have a running system available to determine the
ident, contact your software support organization to determine the
ident for you.
SYSINIT-E-error opening page file, status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: The primary paging file,
SYS$SYSTEM:PAGEFILE.SYS, could not be opened. The 'status' field
provides the failure status.
User Action: Try to determine the cause of the
failure. If you do not have a running system available to determine the
ident, contact your software support organization to determine the
ident for you.
SYSINIT-E-error opening swap file, status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: The system swap file,
SYS$SYSTEM:SWAPFILE.SYS, could not be opened. The 'status' field
provides the actual failure status.
User Action: Try to determine the cause of the
failure. If you do not have a running system available to determine the
ident, contact your software support organization to determine the
ident for you.
SYSINIT-E-error opening system dump file, status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: The system dump file,
SYS$MESSAGE:SYSDUMP.DMP, could not be loaded into the system. The
'status' field provides the failure status represented as a hexadecimal
User Action: If you do not have a running system
available to determine the ident, contact your software support
organization to determine the ident for you.
SYSINIT-E-error reading system dump file error log buffers, status =
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: An error occurred while reading the error
log buffers in from the dump file. The hexadecimal error status value
described by 'status' is the failure status returned after the read
operation failed.
User Action: Check the system dump file for disk
errors. It might be necessary to create a new dump file.
SYSINIT-E-error taking out lock on system disk, status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: An error was encountered when acquiring a
clusterwide lock on the system device. The 'status' field provides the
actual failure status.
User Action: Try to determine the cause of the
failure. If you do not have a running system available to determine the
ident, contact your software support organization to determine the
ident for you.
SYSINIT-E-failed to create system logical names, status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to
create a logical name needed by SYSINIT (SYS$SYSTEM, SYS$SHARE,
SYS$MESSAGE). The complete list of errors that can occur when creating
logical names is given in the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. The error that occurred
while SYSINIT was executing (assuming that the SYSINIT image is not
corrupted) is due to insufficient paged dynamic memory.
User Action: Set the SYSGEN parameter PAGEDYN to a
reasonable value (at least 10,000) and reboot the system.
SYSINIT-E-page file or swap file control block initialization error,
status = 'status'
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: An error occurred, for one of the
following reasons, while attempting to install the primary paging or
swap file:
SYSINIT-E-recoverable error encountered when mounting system device,
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: A recoverable disk I/O error was
encountered when mounting the system disk. The mount operation will be
retried automatically.
User Action: None.
SYSINIT-E-unable to obtain lock for system ID resource, status =
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: An error was encountered when acquiring a
system-owned lock whose name contains the system ID. The 'status' field
provides the failure status represented as a hexadecimal number.
User Action: Try to determine the cause of the
failure. If you do not have a running system available to determine the
ident, contact your software support organization to determine the
ident for you.
SYSINIT-I- found a valid OpenVMS Cluster quorum disk
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: The cluster quorum disk and quorum file
have been located and validated.
User Action: None.
SYSINIT-I- no dump file - error log buffers not saved
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: The system disk does not have either a
dump file SYSDUMP.DMP or a page file PAGEFILE.SYS; therefore, the
contents of the error log buffers at the time of the last
shutdown/crash that were saved in the dump file are not available for
recovery from the dump file into the error log buffer recovery area.
User Action: Create a page file PAGEFILE.SYS or a dump
file SYSDUMP.DMP on the system disk, and reboot the system so that a
dump file is available and error log buffers are saved across a
shutdown or system failure.
SYSINIT-I- PAGEFILE.SYS not found - system initialization continuing...
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: The primary paging file,
SYS$SYSTEM:PAGEFILE.SYS, could not be found.
User Action: Use the command procedure
SYS$UPDATE:SWAPFILES.COM to place a page file in the system directory
SYS$SYSTEM. Alternatively, one or more secondary page files can be
installed by editing the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMGR]SYPAGSWPFILES.COM file.
SYSINIT-I- waiting to form or join an OpenVMS Cluster
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: The cluster quorum disk and nodes are
being searched to form a cluster quorum.
User Action: None.
SYSINIT-W- dump file write errors - error log buffers not saved
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: Since the entire dump file contents are
suspect, the dump file write is not successfully completed, and no
attempt is made to recover the saved error log messages from the dump
User Action: None.
SYSINIT-W- invalid dump header version - error log buffers not saved
Facility: SYSINIT, System Initialization
Explanation: The dump file contains the contents of a
dump written under a version of the OpenVMS operating system different
from the version that is being booted now. Therefore, the error log
messages saved in the dump file are not read out from the dump file,
since the format of the dump file and error log messages may be
different from that format being used on this version. This message is
primarily to warn users that some error log messages have been lost.
User Action: None.
SYSLOG, unable to modify SYS$DEVICE/SYS$DISK logicals
SYSPWDTMO, system password timeout
SYSTRMERR, SYSINIT-terminal IO error
SYSVERCHK, system version mismatch - function aborted
SYSVERDIF, system version mismatch - reassemble and relink driver
SZTOOBIG, record size or block size greater than 65534
TAPEALLODIFFF, The TAPE_ALLOCLASS parameter value for the processor
on SCSI bus 'device-name', ID 'slot-number', is different from the value on this system. This condition creates multiple names for the same device, which can lead to data corruption.
TAPEALLOZERF, This system and/or the processor on SCSI bus
'device-name', ID 'slot-number', has a zero TAPE_ALLOCLASS value. This condition creates multiple names for the same device, which can lead to data corruption.
TAPECLASS, fatal error detected by Tape Class driver (TUDRIVER)
TAPEFULL, 'save-set-spec' is full
TASKERROR, security server experienced a TASKING_ERROR exception
TIMORDSCB, Timeout attempting to read boot device SCB
TIMOUPDSCB, Timeout attempting to update system disk member SCBs
TIPCUFLOW, NETACP - transmit count underflow
TMSCPLDERR, TMSCP server must be loaded by setting SYSGEN parameter TMSCP_LOAD
TMSCPSERV, Fatal error detected by TMSCP server
TOOMANYSUB, SPAWN failed, too many subprocesses. DIRECT mode used.
TOO_MNY, too many of this device type
TSRVALLOAD, the TMSCP server is already loaded
TWICE, device 'controller-name' - count changed from 'count' to 'count'
UBMAPEXCED, UNIBUS map register allocation exceeded
UDAPORT, fatal error detected by UDA port driver (PUDRIVER)
UNABLCREVA, unable to create virtual address space
UNDEFLINK, undefined link
Unexpected Interrupt - CNF/PMC/PSR 'xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx'
Facility: Cluster Port Driver
Explanation: The port driver attempts to reinitialize
the port; after 50 failed attempts, it marks the device off line.
User Action: Contact a Digital support representative to check the port
Unexpected Interrupt - NODESTS/CASR(H)/(L) 'xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx'
Facility: Cluster Port Driver
Explanation: The adapter has issued a hardware
interrupt when the driver is not prepared to handle one. This indicates
that the driver and adapter are no longer synchronized. The port driver
attempts to reinitialize the port; after 50 failed attempts, it marks
the device off line.
User Action: Retain the error logs and crash dumps
from the system, and contact a Digital support representative.
UNEXPIOINT, unexpected I/O adapter interrupt
UNEXPIRED, its expiration date is in the future
UNKADAP, unknown adapter type encountered
UNKCPU, unknown CPU type encountered
UNKDEV, unknown device type
UNKNPRQ, unknown Inter-processor Request Message
UNKRSTRT, unknown restart code
UNL_PEN, exec image unload is pending
UNLOCKERR, failed to unlock volume
Unrecognized SCA Packet - FLAGS/OPC/STATUS/PORT 'xx/xx/xx/xx'
Facility: Cluster Port Driver
Explanation: The port driver closes the port-to-port
virtual circuit to the remote port. If the virtual circuit is already
closed, the port driver inhibits datagram reception from the remote
User Action: Save the error log file that contains
this entry and the crash dumps from both the local and remote systems.
Then contact a Digital support representative.
UNRELVOL, volume is not part of volume set being mounted
UNSUPRTCPU, unsupported CPU
UNXINTEXC, unexpected interrupt or exception
UNXSIGNAL, unexpected signal name in ACP
USERAUTH, error accessing authorization record
USEREXC, you are at maximum allowed processes for your user name
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