Document revision date: 10 November 2000
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DECwindows Extensions to Motif

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See the DECwindows Motif Guide to Application Programming for a complete description of the compound string text widget. See also the following routines for related information:
Routine Description
DXmCSTextClearSelection Clears the global selection highlighted in the compound string text widget.
DXmCSTextCopy Copies the currently selected (highlighted) text to the clipboard.
DXmCSTextCut Deletes the currently selected (highlighted) text after copying it to the clipboard.
DXmCSTextGetEditable Indicates whether the text in the compound string text widget can be edited by the user.
DXmCSTextGetInsertionPosition Retrieves (returns) the logical position of the insertion cursor.
DXmCSTextGetLastPosition Retrieves (returns) the logical position corresponding to the last character in the text.
DXmCSTextGetMaxLength Retrieves (returns) the current maximum allowable length of the text in the compound string text widget.
DXmCSTextGetSelection Retrieves the text selected in the compound string text widget.
DXmCSTextGetSelectionInfo Retrieves (returns) the left and right positions of the currently selected text.
DXmCSTextGetString Retrieves all the text from the compound string text widget.
DXmCSTextGetTopPosition Retrieves (returns) the logical position of the first character in the displayed text.
DXmCSTextHasSelection Indicates whether the compound string text widget currently owns the primary selection.
DXmCSTextHorizontalScroll Scrolls text horizontally.
DXmCSTextInsert Inserts new text into the compound string text widget.
DXmCSTextNumLines Retrieves (returns) the number of visible lines in the compound string text widget.
DXmCSTextPaste Pastes the data from the clipboard into the text at the current cursor position.
DXmCSTextPosToXY Retrieves (returns) the x and y position of a specified character in the text.
DXmCSTextRemove Removes the currently selected (highlighted) text.
DXmCSTextReplace Replaces a specified segment of text in the compound string text widget.
DXmCSTextSetAddMode Controls whether the CSText widget is in Add Mode (in relation to insertion cursor movement).
DXmCSTextSetEditable Specifies whether the text in the widget can be edited by the user.
DXmCSTextSetHighlight Changes the highlighting of the compound string text.
DXmCSTextSetInsertionPosition Sets the insertion cursor to the given logical position in the source.
DXmCSTextSetMaxLength Sets the maximum allowable length of the text in the compound string text widget.
DXmCSTextSetSelection Designates the specified text as the current primary selection by highlighting it in the compound string text widget.
DXmCSTextSetString Changes the text in the compound string text widget to a new value.
DXmCSTextSetTopPosition Sets the logical position of the first character in the displayed text.
DXmCSTextShowPosition Displays the text located at a specified position.
DXmCSTextVerticalScroll Scrolls text vertically.
DXmCSTextXYToPos Identifies the position in the text of the character nearest to a specified x and y position.
Geometry Management The compound string text widget does not support children. Resizing The compound string text widget does not support children.


Creates a specific cursor.


Cursor DXmCreateCursor(widget, cursorkind) 
        Widget  widget; 
        int     cursorkind; 

Return Value

The identifier (cursor ID) of the created cursor.



The widget from which display information is obtained.


An integer that represents the type of cursor, as follows:
Value Cursor Description
decw$c_wait_cursor (4) A watch
decw$c_questionmark_cursor (54) A question mark
decw$c_inactive_cursor (6) A caution ("do not enter") symbol


The DXmCreateCursor routine enables you to create a cursor that displays as a watch, question mark, or caution ("do not enter") symbol (these are the most frequently used cursor symbols). The following X Window System fallbacks are provided in the event the DECwindows-specific cursors cannot be loaded:
DECwindows-Specific Cursor X Window System Fallback
decw$c_wait_cursor XC_watch
decw$c_questionmark_cursor XC_question_arrow
decw$c_inactive_cursor XC_circle

You can specify additional cursor symbols by examining the decw$cursor.h file on OpenVMS systems and decwcursor.h on both UNIX and Windows NT systems. (X Window System fallbacks are provided for each of those cursors as well.)


Creates the Help widget with a dialog box.
Widget Class Hierarchy

Core Resource Set
Composite Resource Set
Constraint Resource Set
XmManager Resource Set
DXmHelpDialog Resource Set


Widget DXmCreateHelpDialog (parent, name, arglist, argcount) 
        Widget   parent; 
        char     *name; 
        Arglist  arglist; 
        int      argcount; 
Resource Information You can set the following widget-specific resources in the arglist:

XmString       DXmNaddtopicLabel; 
XmString       DXmNapplicationName; 
XmString       DXmNbadFrameMessage; 
XmString       DXmNbadlibMessage; 
Boolean        DXmNcacheHelpLibrary; 
XmString       DXmNcloseLabel; 
int            DXmNcols; 
XmString       DXmNcopyLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNcopyLabelMnem;               
XmString       DXmNcopyLabelMnemCS;             
Boolean        DXmNdefaultPosition; 
XmString       DXmNdismissLabel; 
XmString       DXmNeditLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNeditLabelMnem;               
XmString       DXmNeditLabelMnemCS;             
XmString       DXmNerroropenMessage; 
XmString       DXmNexitLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNexitLabelMnem;               
XmString       DXmNexitLabelMnemCS;             
XmString       DXmNfileLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNfileLabelMnem;               
XmString       DXmNfileLabelMnemCS;             
XmString       DXmNfirstTopic; 
XmString       DXmNglossaryTopic; 
XmString       DXmNgobackLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNgobackLabelMnem;             
XmString       DXmNgobackLabelMnemCS;           
XmString       DXmNgobacktopicLabel; 
XmString       DXmNgooverLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNgooverLabelMnem;             
XmString       DXmNgooverLabelMnemCS;           
XmString       DXmNgotoLabel; 
XmString       DXmNgototopicLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNgototopicLabelMnem;          
XmString       DXmNgototopicLabelMnemCS;        
XmString       DXmNhelpAcknowledgeLabel; 
XmString       DXmNhelphelpLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNhelphelpLabelMnem;           
XmString       DXmNhelphelpLabelMnemCS;         
XmString       DXmNhelpLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNhelpLabelMnem;               
XmString       DXmNhelpLabelMnemCS;             
XmString       DXmNhelpOnHelpTitle; 
XmString       DXmNhelpontitleLabel; 
XmString       DXmNhelptitleLabel; 
XmString       DXmNhistoryboxLabel; 
XmString       DXmNhistoryLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNhistoryLabelMnem;            
XmString       DXmNhistoryLabelMnemCS;          
XmString       DXmNkeywordLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNkeywordLabelMnem;            
XmString       DXmNkeywordLabelMnemCS;          
XmString       DXmNkeywordsLabel; 
XmString       DXmNlibrarySpec; 
unsigned int   DXmNlibraryType; 
XmString       DXmNnokeywordMessage; 
XmString       DXmNnotitleMessage; 
XmString       DXmNnulllibMessage; 
XmString       DXmNoverviewTopic; 
int            DXmNrows; 
XmString       DXmNsaveasLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNsaveasLabelMnem;             
XmString       DXmNsaveasLabelMnemCS;           
XmString       DXmNsearchapplyLabel; 
XmString       DXmNsearchkeywordboxLabel; 
XmString       DXmNsearchLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNsearchLabelMnem;             
XmString       DXmNsearchLabelMnemCS;           
XmString       DXmNsearchtitleboxLabel; 
XmString       DXmNselectallLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNselectallLabelMnem;          
XmString       DXmNselectallLabelMnemCS;        
XmString       DXmNtitleLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNtitleLabelMnem;              
XmString       DXmNtitleLabelMnemCS;            
XmString       DXmNtitlesLabel; 
XmString       DXmNtopictitlesLabel; 
XmString       DXmNviewLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNviewLabelMnem;               
XmString       DXmNviewLabelMnemCS; 
XmString       DXmNvisitglosLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNvisitglosLabelMnem;          
XmString       DXmNvisitglosLabelMnemCS;        
XmString       DXmNvisitLabel; 
XmString       DXmNvisittopicLabel; 
KeySym         DXmNvisittopicLabelMnem;         
XmString       DXmNvisittopicLabelMnemCS;       
XtCallbackList XmNmapCallback; 
XtCallbackList XmNunmapCallback; 

Return Value

The identifier (widget ID) of the created Help widget.



The identifier (widget ID) of the parent widget.


The name of the created widget.


The application argument list.


An integer that represents the number of arguments in the application argument list.



The label indicating additional topics for help. The default is "Additional topics". Access is CSG.


The application name to be used in the widget title bar. The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The message displayed when a frame could not be found. The default is "Couldn't find frame !CS". Access is CSG.


The message displayed when a requested library could not be found. The default is "Couldn't open library !CS". Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that specifies whether the text of the help library is stored in the help widget's cache memory. When True, the text is stored in cache memory; when False, the text is not stored in cache memory. The default is False. Access is CSG.


The label for the Exit push button in the help widget window. The default is "Exit". Access is CSG.


The width, in characters, of the help text window. The default is language dependent; the American English default is 55. Access is CSG.


The label for the Copy menu item in the Edit menu. The default is "Copy". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Copy menu item in the Edit menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Copy menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "C", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Copy menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNcopyLabelMnem resource) to activate the Copy menu item. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, causes the core resources x and y to be ignored in favor of the default widget position. The default widget position is centered in the parent window. When False, the specified x and y resources are used to position the widget. The default is True. Access is CSG.


The label for the push button used to dismiss a help widget dialog box (for example, Search History, Search Title, Search Keyword boxes). The default is "Dismiss". Access is CSG.


The label for the Edit pull-down menu. The default is "Edit". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Edit pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Edit pull-down menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "E", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Edit pull-down menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNeditLabelMnem resource) to activate the Edit pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The error message displayed when a file cannot be opened. The default is "Error opening file !CS". Access is CSG.


The label for the exit menu item in the File pull-down menu. The default is "Exit". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Exit menu item in the File pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Exit menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "E", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Exit menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNexitLabelMnem resource) to activate the Exit menu item in the File pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label for the File pull-down menu. The default is "File". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the File pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the File pull-down menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "F", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the File pull-down menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNfileLabelMnem resource) to activate the File pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The first help topic to be displayed. If a null string is passed, a list of level one topics is displayed. The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The application glossary topic. If a null string is provided, the Visit Glossary menu item does not appear in the View pull-down menu. The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The label for the Go Back menu item in the View pull-down menu. The default is "Go Back". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Go Back menu item in the View pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Go Back menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "B", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Go Back menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNgobackLabelMnem resource) to activate the Go Back menu item in the View pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label for the Go Back push button in the help widget window. The default is "Go Back". Access is CSG.


The label for the Go To Overview item in the View pull-down menu. The default is "Go To Overview". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Go To Overview item in the View pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Go To Overview menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "O", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Go To Overview menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNgooverLabelMnem resource) to activate the Go To Overview item in the View pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label for the Go To push button in the help widget's dialog boxes. The default is "Go To". Access is CSG.


The label for the Go To Topic menu item in the View pull-down menu. The default is "Go To Topic". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Go To Topic menu item in the View pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Go To Topic menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "T", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Go To Topic menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNgototopicLabelMnem resource) to activate the Go To Topic menu item in the View pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label for the Acknowledge push button in the error message box. The default is "OK". Access is CSG.


The label for the Overview menu item in the Using Help pull-down menu. The default is "On Window...". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Overview menu item in the Using Help pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Overview menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "W", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Overview menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNhelphelpLabelMnem resource) to activate the Overview menu item in the Using Help pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label for the Help pull-down menu. The default is "Using Help". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Help pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Help pull-down menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "U", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Help pull-down menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNhelpLabelMnem resource) to activate the Help pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label for the title bar in the Help-on-Help help subwidget. The default is "Using Help". Access is CSG.


The label for the help widget title bar used in conjunction with the application name. The default is "Help On". Access is CSG.


The label for the help widget title bar when no application name is specified. The default is "Help". Access is CSG.


The label for the history dialog box. The default is "Search Topic History". Access is CSG.


The label for the History... menu item in the Search pull-down menu. The default is "History...". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the History... menu item in the Search pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the History... menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "H", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the History... menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNhistoryLabelMnem resource) to activate the History... menu item in the Search pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label for the Keyword... menu item in the Search pull-down menu. The default is "Keyword...". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Keyword... menu item in the Search pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Keyword... menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "K", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Keyword... menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNkeywordLabelMnem resource) to activate the Keyword... menu item in the Search pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label used in a Search Topic Keyword box to identify the text entry field. The default is "Keyword". Access is CSG.


A host system file specification that identifies the help topic library. The default is Null. Access is CG.


The type of help topic library specified by the DXmNlibrarySpec resource. The predefined value for this resource is DXmTextLibrary, which is help text in either an OpenVMS help library or a help directory on UNIX or Windows NT systems. Access is CG.


The message displayed when a requested keyword cannot be found. The default is "Couldn't find keyword !CS". Access is CSG.


The message displayed when a requested title cannot be found. The default is "No title to match string !CS". Access is CSG.


The text for the message displayed when no library has been specified. The default is "No library specified". Access is CSG.


The application overview topic. The default is Null. Access is CSG.


Height, in characters, of the help text window. The default is language dependent; the American English default is 20. Access is CSG.


The label for the Save As... item in a File pull-down menu. The default is "Save As...". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Save As... item in a File pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Save As... menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "A", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Save As... menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNsaveasLabelMnem resource) to activate the Save As... item in a File pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label for the push button used to initiate a search action in a Search dialog box. The default is "Apply". Access is CSG.


The label for a Search Topic Keywords dialog box. The default is "Search Topic Keywords". Access is CSG.


The label for the Search pull-down menu. The default is "Search". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Search pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Search pull-down menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "S", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Search pull-down menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNsearchLabelMnem resource) to activate the Search pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The title of a Search Topic Titles box. The default is "Search Topic Titles". Access is CSG.


The label for the Select All item on the Edit pull-down menu. The default is "Select All". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Select All item on the Edit pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Select All menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "S", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Select All menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNselectLabelMnem resource) to activate the Select All item on the Edit pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label for the Title... item in the Search pull-down menu. The default is "Title...". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Title... item in the Search pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Title... menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "T", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Title... menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNtitleLabelMnem resource) to activate the Title... item in the Search pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label identifying the text entry field on the Search Topic Titles box. The default is "Title". Access is CSG.


The label used to identify topics found as a result of a title search in a Search Topic Titles box. The default is "Topic Titles". Access is CSG.


The label for the View menu. The default is "View". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the View menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the View menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "V", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the View menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNviewLabelMnem resource) to activate the View menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label for the Visit Glossary item in the View pull-down menu. The default is "Visit Glossary". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Visit Glossary item in the View pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Visit Glossary menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "G", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Visit Glossary menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNvisitglosLabelMnem resource) to activate the Visit Glossary item in the View pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CG.


The label for the Visit push button in the help widget's dialog boxes. The default is "Visit". Access is CSG.


The label for the Visit Topic menu item in the View pull-down menu. The default is "Visit Topic". Access is CSG.


Specifies which key the user can press (instead of clicking MB1) to activate the Visit Topic menu item in the View pull-down menu. This resource defines the key on the keyboard and visually identifies that key for the user by inserting an underscore (_) beneath the designated letter in the Visit Topic menu label. The default is an underscore (_) inserted beneath the letter "V", with the corresponding key defined on the keyboard. Access is CG.


Establishes the character set used when identifying the letter in the Visit Topic menu label that corresponds to the key the user can press (as defined by the DXmNvisittopicLabelMnem resource) to activate the Visit Topic menu item in the View pull-down menu. The default character set is ISO8859-1. Access is CSG.


Callback (or callbacks) made when the help widget is mapped. The callback reason is XmCR_MAP. The default is Null. Access is C.


Callback (or callbacks) made when the help widget is unmapped. The callback reason is XmCR_UNMAP. The default is Null. Access is C.
Resource Exceptions The resources XmNwidth and XmNheight are supported differently by DXmCreateHelpDialog in that they cannot be set by the caller. These values are calculated by the widget, based on the size of the text window (XmNcols and XmNrows). Callback Structure

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